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SelectList with a null selection


I have a bunch of drop down lists in my view, such as this one:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Process, Model.ProcessList)

They all take in a SelectList based on data from a database table like this:

ProcessList = new SelectList(_db.Processes, "ID", "Name");

where _db.Processes returns a ObjectSet<Process>.

The issue I have is that sometimes the property that is set by the drop down list can be no selection, i.e. null. How can I add a null selection to the SelectList>

like image 762
dnatoli Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 04:09


1 Answers

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Process, Model.ProcessList,"--Select Process--")

The above line would add --select process-- at the top of select list and if this value is selected, empty string will be posted and bound property will be set to null (Process in this case)

like image 114
Muhammad Adeel Zahid Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09

Muhammad Adeel Zahid