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MySQL Workbench - how to display relationships?


How do I make Workbench display the connecting lines between tables when I define relationships?

like image 871
StackOverflowNewbie Avatar asked Oct 25 '11 00:10


People also ask

How do you show relationship names in SQL?

How can I display the relationship names in the diagram? It's a 'Show' option. The relationship names are referred to as 'labels' in SQL Developer. So right click in the model, go to 'Show' and toggle on 'Labels.

How do you read an entity relationship diagram?

You read the diagrams first from left to right and then from right to left. In the case of the name-address relationship in following figure, you read the relationships as follows: names can be associated with zero or exactly one address; addresses can be associated with zero, one, or many names.

2 Answers

I had an issue generated a PNG with the relationship lines.


  • WorkBench version 8.0
  • MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 with Dark Theme


Disable dark theme and regenerate the diagram then export the PNG.

like image 157
Cyrois Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


You need to open reverse engineer: Database->Reverse engineer CTRL+R

Complete the wizard. It ask about the database to connect and other simple questions.

Just click Next.

After wizard completion the MySQL Model tab will be opened. Click there ERR Diagram icon

like image 38
Eugen Konkov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Eugen Konkov