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What does max_connections really mean?


I'm trying to set the ideal performance setup for MySQL and resources needed on a shared hosting.

My question is, what does max_connections really mean?

Is it the number of unique concurrent requests made to the server? So if there are two users, 1 with 1 tab open and the other with 4 tabs open... and both press all their tabs to reload at the same time, will there be 5 connections made to the MySQL DB? Consequently, if we bump this scenario to: 10 people with 2 tabs and 31 people with one tab all pressing refresh at the same time... with our max_connections at 50, will everyone get locked out?

The reason I ask is because I want to shoot for low max_connections to be conservative with memory resources since I consistently see the site going into cpu throttling mode

Thank you for your help

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alex Avatar asked Dec 31 '11 04:12


People also ask

What is Max_connections?

max_connections is a global variable that can have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 100000. However, It has always been commonly known that settings max_connections to an insanely high value is not too good for performance. Generations of system administrators have followed this rule.

What is Max_connections MySQL?

The system variable max_connections determines the number of connections which MySQL/MariaDB will accept. The default value is 151 connections, which allows 150 normal connections plus one connection from the SUPER account.

What is Max conns?

Max Connections controls the maximum number of keep-alive connections the server maintains. The possible range is zero to 32768, and the default is 256.

1 Answers

Yes, there is a separate connection opened for each page. However, assuming you're not doing anything database-intensive, the connection will be short-lived and close itself once the page has been served to the client.

If you do exceed the maximum number of connections, any subsequent connection attempt will fail.

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Michael Mior Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

Michael Mior