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Selecting Unique Rows between Two DataFrames in Pandas




I have two data frames A and B of unequal dimensions. I would like to create a data frame C such that it ONLY contains rows that are unique between A and B. I tried to follow this solution (excluding rows from a pandas dataframe based on column value and not index value) but could not get it to work.

Here's example:

Assume this to be DF_A:

    Star_ID         Loc_ID      pmRA        pmDE    Field     Jmag    Hmag  
 2M00000032+5737103  4264    0.000000    0.000000    N7789   10.905  10.635
 2M00000068+5710233  4264    8.000000    -18.000000  N7789   10.664  10.132
 2M00000222+5625359  4264    0.000000    0.000000    N7789   11.982  11.433
 2M00000818+5634264  4264    0.000000    0.000000    N7789   12.501  11.892
 2M00001242+5524391  4264    0.000000    -4.000000   N7789   12.091  11.482

And this to be DF_B:


So, the first two and last Star_ID are common between DF_A and DF_B. I would like to create DF_C such that:


        Star_ID         Loc_ID      pmRA        pmDE    Field     Jmag    Hmag
     2M00000222+5625359  4264    0.000000    0.000000    N7789   11.982  11.433
     2M00000818+5634264  4264    0.000000    0.000000    N7789   12.501  11.892
like image 418
Rohit Avatar asked May 04 '14 19:05


1 Answers

This worked for me:

In [7]:



              Star_ID  Loc_ID  pmRA  pmDE  Field    Jmag    Hmag
2  2M00000222+5625359    4264     0     0  N7789  11.982  11.433
3  2M00000818+5634264    4264     0     0  N7789  12.501  11.892

[2 rows x 7 columns]

So what we do here is we create a boolean mask, we ask for where Star_ID values is in both dataframes, however by using the ~ we NOT the condition which in effect negates it. The one you linked to is pretty much the same thing but I think you maybe didn't understand the syntax?


In order to get both values that are only in df1 and values that are only in df2 you could do this

unique_vals = df1[~df1.Star_ID.isin(df2.Star_ID)].append(df2[~df2.Star_ID.isin(df1.Star_ID)], ignore_index=True)

Further edit

So the problem was that the csv had leading spaces, this caused all values to be unique in both datasets, to correct this you need to do this:

df1.Apogee_ID = df1.Apogee_ID.str.lstrip()
like image 143
EdChum Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
