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Selecting only one button from button-group

I want to create a button group, where button from a group can be selected at once.

Let's suppose we have got three buttons, the user should be able to select only one button, so if user selects "Apple" then they shouldn't be able to select the Apple button again.

The main purpose will be to stop user selecting the button which is already selected.

<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Apple</button>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Samsung</button>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Sony</button>

How can I solve this?

like image 528
Istiak Mahmood Avatar asked Aug 10 '15 07:08

Istiak Mahmood

People also ask

Which type of button is a toggle button that belongs to a group such that only one button in the group may be selected at one time?

You should use radiobuttons in this way. Save this answer.

What is the difference between button and button Group in Bootstrap?

“Button Groups” in Bootstrap is a class of name “btn-group” which is used to create series of buttons in groups (without spaces) vertically or horizontally. This is the basic syntax of the button group class where each button has its own class of “btn”.

What is a button group which control is generally used with a button group?

The ButtonGroup control manages the selected/unselected state for a set of buttons. For the group, the ButtonGroup instance guarantees that only one button can be selected at a time. Generally, we use Radio Button control with a button group.

How multiple button can be created at once by Bootstrap?

Instead of applying button sizing classes to every button in a group, just add .btn-group-* to each .btn-group , including each one when nesting multiple groups.

2 Answers

This seems to be exactly what are you searching for.

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
  <label class="btn btn-primary active">
    <input type="radio" name="options" id="option1" checked> Apple
  <label class="btn btn-primary">
    <input type="radio" name="options" id="option2"> Samsung
  <label class="btn btn-primary">
    <input type="radio" name="options" id="option3"> Sony

You can read more about this under this link. This is how it looks like:

enter image description here

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mtszkw Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 03:11


You should use radiobuttons in this way.

body {
	font-family: sans-serif;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin: 10px;
	color: #999;
	background-color: #eee;

form {
	margin: 40px 0;

div {
	clear: both;
	margin: 0 50px;

label {
  width: 200px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  border: 1px solid #D1D3D4

input.radio:empty {
	margin-left: -999px;

input.radio:empty ~ label {
	position: relative;
	float: left;
	line-height: 2.5em;
	text-indent: 3.25em;
	margin-top: 2em;
	cursor: pointer;
	-webkit-user-select: none;
	-moz-user-select: none;
	-ms-user-select: none;
	user-select: none;

input.radio:empty ~ label:before {
	position: absolute;
	display: block;
	top: 0;
	bottom: 0;
	left: 0;
	content: '';
	width: 2.5em;
	background: #D1D3D4;
	border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;

input.radio:hover:not(:checked) ~ label:before {
	text-indent: .9em;
	color: #C2C2C2;

input.radio:hover:not(:checked) ~ label {
	color: #888;

input.radio:checked ~ label:before {
	text-indent: .9em;
	color: #9CE2AE;
	background-color: #4DCB6D;

input.radio:checked ~ label {
	color: #777;

input.radio:focus ~ label:before {
	box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #999;
<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio1" class="radio" checked/>
<label for="radio1">Apple</label>

<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio2" class="radio"/>
<label for="radio2">Samsung</label>

<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio3" class="radio"/>
<label for="radio3">Sony</label>
like image 20
AleshaOleg Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11
