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select2-selecting event not getting fired

I am using Select2 in my website, and I'm trying to use the select2-selecting event, but its not firing. I am also using Backbone.js in the app, so the first thing I tried was adding the select2-selecting to my events object:

// 'change .city':'cityChanged'
'select2-selecting .city':'cityChanged'

Note that I have a change event commented out - this change event works properly. In the documentation for Select2, the select2-selecting event is put directly on the object, not like this:

$('.city').select2().on('select2-selecting', function(e){ 

instead, its supposed to be used like this:

$('.city').on('select2-selecting', function(e){ 

I have also tried adding the event both of these ways, but the event didn't fire (I did check and the element was created on the DOM before I added the events).

When I add the event in the first method with the Backbone.js, the event is listed in the event listeners in the chrome debug console - it just doesn't get fired. Does anyone have an idea what is going on?

like image 564
coder Avatar asked Jul 09 '13 14:07


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2 Answers

what version of select2 are you using?

I was having the same problem until I realize I was using the 3.3 version where this select2-selecting event not exists.

This has been included in the 3.4 version.

like image 176
Jmirancid Pes Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Jmirancid Pes

There was a change on earlier versions also where it changes name:

  • select2-close is now select2:close
  • select2-open is now select2:open
  • select2-opening is now select2:opening
  • select2-selecting is now select2:selecting
  • select2-removed is now select2:removed
  • select2-removing is now select2:unselecting
like image 39
Santi Iglesias Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Santi Iglesias