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Select2 limit number of tags

Is there a way to limit the number of tags a user can add to an input field using Select2?

I have:

$('#tags').select2({     containerCssClass: 'supplierTags',     placeholder: "Usual suppliers...",     minimumInputLength: 2,     multiple: true,     tokenSeparators: [",", " "],     placeholder: 'Usual suppliers...',             createSearchChoice: function(term, data) {                 if ($(data).filter(function() {                     return this.name.localeCompare(term) === 0;                 }).length === 0) {                     return {id: 0, name: term};                 }              },     id: function(e) {         return e.id + ":" + e.name;     },     ajax: {         url: ROOT + 'Call',         dataType: 'json',         type: 'POST',         data: function(term, page) {             return {                 call: 'Helpers->tagsHelper',                 q: term             };         },         results: function(data, page) {             return {                 results: data.tags             };         }     },     formatResult: formatResult,     formatSelection: formatSelection,     initSelection: function(element, callback) {         var data = [];         $(element.val().split(",")).each(function(i) {             var item = this.split(':');             data.push({                 id: item[0],                 name: item[1]             });         });         callback(data);     } }); 

It would be great if there could be/is a simple parameter like limit: 5 and a callback to fire when the limit is reached.

like image 236
imperium2335 Avatar asked Jan 27 '14 11:01


1 Answers

Sure, with maximumSelectionLength like so:

$("#tags").select2({     maximumSelectionLength: 3 }); 

Maximum Selection Length

Select2 allows the developer to limit the number of items that can be selected in a multi-select control.


It has no native callback, but you can pass a function to formatSelectionTooBig like this:

$(function () {     $("#tags").select2({         maximumSelectionLength: 3,         formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) {              // Callback              return 'Too many selected items';         }     }); }); 


Or you could extend formatSelectionTooBig like this:

$(function () {     $.extend($.fn.select2.defaults, {         formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) {              // Callback              return 'Too many selected items';         }     });      $("#tags").select2({         maximumSelectionLength: 3     }); }); 


Replaced maximumSelectionSize with the updated maximumSelectionLength. Thanks @DrewKennedy!

like image 78
Magnus Engdal Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09

Magnus Engdal