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Select2 Get selected option data

$("#e2").select2("val") returns me the value, but I wan't to get the .$listtypes['name'] . ether from data-name or from the option tag display.

I want to get the option data-name for the selected option, how can I accomplish this?

This is my option generator

foreach($core->list_types() as $listtypes){ echo " <option    data-name='".$listtypes['name'] ."'    value='".$listtypes['id']."'>   ".$listtypes['name'] ." </option>"; } 
like image 773
Kavvson Avatar asked Oct 31 '14 17:10


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1 Answers

you can use this

$("#e2 option:selected").text(); 
like image 78
xploshioOn Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
