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Bootstrap datepicker not close automatically after picking a date

I use the latest Bootstrap datepicker.js. All works fine except that when I pick a date from the drop down, it does not automatically close it. I searched web and tried to use the following function in my javascript like the following:

 $('#selectDate').datepicker({     autoclose: true }).on('changeDate', function (ev) {     (ev.viewMode == 'days') ? $(this).datepicker('hide') : '';       }); 

but when i use Google Chrome Dev tools, I realized that ev.viewmode was undefined. I am not sure how to move forward.

like image 237
AlliceSmash Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 17:03


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1 Answers

I added autoclose: true, (with semi comma at the end and it works)

 $('.datepicker').datepicker({     format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',     todayHighlight:'TRUE',     autoclose: true, }) 
like image 162
Chaitanya K Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Chaitanya K