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Select the row with the maximum value in each group





In a dataset with multiple observations for each subject. For each subject I want to select the row which have the maximum value of 'pt'. For example, with a following dataset:

ID    <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3) Value <- c(2,3,5,2,5,8,17,3,5) Event <- c(1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2)  group <- data.frame(Subject=ID, pt=Value, Event=Event) #   Subject pt Event # 1       1  2     1 # 2       1  3     1 # 3       1  5     2 # max 'pt' for Subject 1 # 4       2  2     1 # 5       2  5     2 # 6       2  8     1 # 7       2 17     2 # max 'pt' for Subject 2 # 8       3  3     2 # 9       3  5     2 # max 'pt' for Subject 3 

Subject 1, 2, and 3 have the biggest pt value of 5, 17, and 5 respectively.

How could I first find the biggest pt value for each subject, and then, put this observation in another data frame? The resulting data frame should only have the biggest pt values for each subject.

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Xinting WANG Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 15:07

Xinting WANG

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max() in R The max() is a built-in R function that finds the maximum value of the vector or data frame. It takes the R object as an input and returns the maximum value out of it. To find the maximum value of vector elements, data frame, and columns, use the max() function.

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2 Answers

Here's a data.table solution:

require(data.table) ## 1.9.2 group <- as.data.table(group) 

If you want to keep all the entries corresponding to max values of pt within each group:

group[group[, .I[pt == max(pt)], by=Subject]$V1] #    Subject pt Event # 1:       1  5     2 # 2:       2 17     2 # 3:       3  5     2 

If you'd like just the first max value of pt:

group[group[, .I[which.max(pt)], by=Subject]$V1] #    Subject pt Event # 1:       1  5     2 # 2:       2 17     2 # 3:       3  5     2 

In this case, it doesn't make a difference, as there aren't multiple maximum values within any group in your data.

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Arun Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10


The most intuitive method is to use group_by and top_n function in dplyr

    group %>% group_by(Subject) %>% top_n(1, pt) 

The result you get is

    Source: local data frame [3 x 3]     Groups: Subject [3]        Subject    pt Event         (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)     1       1     5     2     2       2    17     2     3       3     5     2 
like image 38
Xi Liang Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10

Xi Liang