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Select Query for the fixed length

I have an table called customer where i am selecting few columns and making its fixed length,where i need to send the values to SSIS packages for an fixed length output and is written in a text file


select customerID,mobilenumber,Emailaddress from customer 

I want to make sure my customerID is always length of 10, mobile number 11, emailaddress 256.

like image 694
happysmile Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 02:10


People also ask

How do I select a specific length in SQL?

Well, you can use the LEN() function to find the length of a String value in SQL Server, for example, LEN(emp_name) will give you the length of values stored in the column emp_name.

What is fixed length in SQL?

A fixed-length column requires the defined number of bytes regardless of the actual size of the data. The CHAR data type is of fixed-length. For example, a CHAR(25) column requires 25 bytes of storage for all values, so the string “This is a text string” uses 25 bytes of storage.

How do I create a fixed width text file in SQL?

Go to the Connection Manager you defined for your flat file. In the left box, select General and set the Format to "Fixed Width". Then in the left box, select Advanced and here you can set the OutputColumnWidth for each field.

Is there Length function in SQL?

You can use SQL length functions in the SELECT statement and other data manipulation statements. Length functions return the length of a column, string, or variable in bytes or characters. For the syntax of these functions, see the Expression segment in the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax .

1 Answers

You can cast them as fixed-length string datatypes, as in:

select cast(customerID as char(10)) as customerID,
    cast(mobilenumber as char(11)) as mobilenumber,
    cast(Emailaddress as char(256)) as Emailaddress
from customer

If you come across any oddity while working like this, it may be helpful to keep your ANSI_PADDING settings in mind.

Another way to do this might be:

select left(Emailaddress + replicate(' ', 256), 256)

Though this method is often just to apply similar logic from other languages to T-SQL.

like image 149
Tim Lehner Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Tim Lehner