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Select mysql query between date?





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How do I pass a date range in SQL query?

SELECT * FROM PERSONAL WHERE BIRTH_DATE_TIME BETWEEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2002-09-18 12:00:00';

How do I check between in MySQL?

The MySQL BETWEEN OperatorThe BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers, text, or dates. The BETWEEN operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included.

How do I select a range of values in MySQL?

In SQL, BETWEEN is a logical operator used to select a range of values from the table of the database. Using the between the query, we can also check whether a value is in the provided range or not. BETWEEN in MySQL is generally used with the SELECT statements, and with INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries.

select * from *table_name* where *datetime_column* between '01/01/2009' and curdate()

or using >= and <= :

select * from *table_name* where *datetime_column* >= '01/01/2009' and *datetime_column* <= curdate()

All the above works, and here is another way if you just want to number of days/time back rather a entering date

select * from *table_name* where *datetime_column* BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)  AND NOW() 

You can use now() like:

Select data from tablename where datetime >= "01-01-2009 00:00:00" and datetime <= now();

Late answer, but the accepted answer didn't work for me.
If you set both start and end dates manually (not using curdate()), make sure to specify the hours, minutes and seconds (2019-12-02 23:59:59) on the end date or you won't get any results from that day, i.e.:

This WILL include records from 2019-12-02:

SELECT *SOMEFIELDS* FROM *YOURTABLE* where *YOURDATEFIELD* between '2019-12-01' and '2019-12-02 23:59:59'

This WON'T include records from 2019-12-02:

SELECT *SOMEFIELDS* FROM *YOURTABLE* where *YOURDATEFIELD* between '2019-12-01' and '2019-12-02'