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Select Last Row in the Table

People also ask

How do I select the last row in a table?

To select the last row, we can use ORDER BY clause with desc (descending) property and Limit 1. Let us first create a table and insert some records with the help of insert command.

How do I select the last 3 rows in SQL?

I want to select the last 3 rows of an sql table. I know I should use SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 3 , but the problem with this code is that it selects the rows from the end. For example, it selects 30, then 29, then 28.

How do I select the last 5 rows in SQL?

METHOD 1 : Using LIMIT clause in descending order As we know that LIMIT clause gives the no. of specified rows from specifies row. We will retrieve last 5 rows in descending order using LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses and finally make the resultant rows ascending.

How do I select the last 10 rows of a table?

mysql> SELECT * FROM ( -> SELECT * FROM Last10RecordsDemo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 -> )Var1 -> -> ORDER BY id ASC; The following is the output that displays the last 10 records. We can match both records with the help of the SELECT statement.

You'll need to order by the same field you're ordering by now, but descending. As an example, if you have a time stamp when the upload was done called upload_time, you'd do something like this;

For Pre-Laravel 4

return DB::table('files')->order_by('upload_time', 'desc')->first();

For Laravel 4 and onwards

return DB::table('files')->orderBy('upload_time', 'desc')->first();

For Laravel 5.7 and onwards

return DB::table('files')->latest('upload_time')->first();

This will order the rows in the files table by upload time, descending order, and take the first one. This will be the latest uploaded file.

Use the latest scope provided by Laravel out of the box.


That way you're not retrieving all the records. A nicer shortcut to orderBy.

You never mentioned whether you are using Eloquent, Laravel's default ORM or not. In case you are, let's say you want to get the latest entry of a User table, by created_at, you probably could do as follow:

User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();

First it orders users by created_at field, descendingly, and then it takes the first record of the result.

That will return you an instance of the User object, not a collection. Of course, to make use of this alternative, you got to have an User model, extending Eloquent class. This may sound a bit confusing, but it's really easy to get started and ORM can be really helpful.

For more information, check out the official documentation which is pretty rich and well detailed.

To get last record details

  1. Model::all()->last(); or
  2. Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();

To get last record id

  1. Model::all()->last()->id; or
  2. Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->id;

Laravel collections has method last

Model::all() -> last(); // last element 
Model::all() -> last() -> pluck('name'); // extract value from name field. 

This is the best way to do it.

Try this :
