I have table t_stats
with column id (INT)
and column ratio (DECIMAL(8,4))
is unique.
I want to query table t_stats
in order to select 3 groups with the same AVG(ratio)
(closest possible).
Can be done using temporary tables, as long as I can run it as a script or stored procedure.
EDIT: Here is the concrete example:
id ratio
-- -----
24 0.930000
25 0.390000
26 0.800000
27 0.920000
28 0.550000
30 0.810000
31 0.770000
32 0.800000
33 0.590000
36 0.760000
37 0.910000
40 0.690000
43 0.390000
45 0.310000
46 0.760000
47 0.710000
54 0.710000
55 0.950000
57 0.920000
60 0.890000
62 0.700000
66 0.890000
68 0.950000
107 0.760000
559 0.990000
560 0.540000
565 0.430000
566 0.830000
568 0.590000
579 0.970000
599 0.900000
623 0.450000
749 0.800000
750 0.970000
753 0.820000
754 0.730000
766 0.620000
768 0.430000
770 0.790000
838 0.700000
875 0.835000
987 0.900000
988 0.740000
1157 0.850000
1250 0.630000
1328 0.860000
2171 0.900000
2176 0.520000
2177 0.980000
2178 0.940000
2180 0.970000
2184 0.990000
2187 0.950000
2188 0.940000
2189 0.920000
2195 0.990000
2233 0.900000
2234 0.940000
2235 0.950000
2240 0.980000
2243 0.920000
2253 0.900000
2266 0.530000
2269 0.920000
2270 0.970000
2271 0.750000
2272 0.820000
2275 0.910000
2277 0.930000
2281 0.690000
2282 0.710000
2288 0.840000
2528 0.870000
2778 0.950000
2814 0.990000
groupId id ratio
------- -- -----
1 24 0.930000
1 25 0.390000
1 27 0.920000
1 30 0.810000
1 32 0.800000
1 36 0.760000
1 54 0.710000
1 60 0.890000
1 559 0.990000
1 560 0.540000
1 566 0.830000
1 568 0.590000
1 623 0.450000
1 750 0.970000
1 838 0.700000
1 987 0.900000
1 1157 0.850000
1 2178 0.940000
1 2180 0.970000
1 2253 0.900000
1 2269 0.920000
1 2271 0.750000
1 2281 0.690000
1 2778 0.950000
1 2814 0.990000
2 26 0.800000
2 28 0.550000
2 31 0.770000
2 40 0.690000
2 45 0.310000
2 55 0.950000
2 57 0.920000
2 66 0.890000
2 107 0.760000
2 565 0.430000
2 579 0.970000
2 753 0.820000
2 754 0.730000
2 766 0.620000
2 875 0.835000
2 1328 0.860000
2 2176 0.520000
2 2177 0.980000
2 2184 0.990000
2 2187 0.950000
2 2189 0.920000
2 2233 0.900000
2 2234 0.940000
2 2275 0.910000
2 2282 0.710000
3 33 0.590000
3 37 0.910000
3 43 0.390000
3 46 0.760000
3 47 0.710000
3 62 0.700000
3 68 0.950000
3 599 0.900000
3 749 0.800000
3 768 0.430000
3 770 0.790000
3 988 0.740000
3 1250 0.630000
3 2171 0.900000
3 2188 0.940000
3 2195 0.990000
3 2235 0.950000
3 2240 0.980000
3 2243 0.920000
3 2266 0.530000
3 2270 0.970000
3 2272 0.820000
3 2277 0.930000
3 2288 0.840000
3 2528 0.870000
So I want to make 3 groups of n
values and aim for a specific average value x
. (Exemple with n=30
and 0.75 < x < 0.85
would look like 3 groups of 30 values each where each group has 0.75 < AVG(ratio) < 0.85
and an id
can only belong to 1 group.)
So average is almost same in each group, and close to x
groupId avg(ratio)
------- ----------
1 0.805600
2 0.789000
3 0.797600
Here is a T-SQL procedural version that is somewhat like a draft, only draft order is optimized each round according to need.
The "competitive" nature of this seems to lead to slightly less than perfect ratios if all items are to be picked, but the up-side is that you basically have an O(N^2) algorithm since it's essentially a min function in a loop (maybe that's optimistic considering the group by
clauses). It's also deterministic, and should be fairly straightforward to implement in another layer if necessary.
declare @numberOfGroups int = 3
declare @itemsPerGroup int = 25
declare @targetRatio decimal(8,4) = .8
-- /SET
set nocount on
-- Create a table of items
declare @t_stats table (
id int not null primary key
, ratio decimal(8,4) not null
, grp int null
insert into @t_stats (id, ratio) values
(24,0.930000), (25,0.390000), (26,0.800000),
(27,0.920000), (28,0.550000), (30,0.810000),
(31,0.770000), (32,0.800000), (33,0.590000),
(36,0.760000), (37,0.910000), (40,0.690000),
(43,0.390000), (45,0.310000), (46,0.760000),
(47,0.710000), (54,0.710000), (55,0.950000),
(57,0.920000), (60,0.890000), (62,0.700000),
(66,0.890000), (68,0.950000), (107,0.760000),
(559,0.990000), (560,0.540000), (565,0.430000),
(566,0.830000), (568,0.590000), (579,0.970000),
(599,0.900000), (623,0.450000), (749,0.800000),
(750,0.970000), (753,0.820000), (754,0.730000),
(766,0.620000), (768,0.430000), (770,0.790000),
(838,0.700000), (875,0.835000), (987,0.900000),
(988,0.740000), (1157,0.850000), (1250,0.630000),
(1328,0.860000), (2171,0.900000), (2176,0.520000),
(2177,0.980000), (2178,0.940000), (2180,0.970000),
(2184,0.990000), (2187,0.950000), (2188,0.940000),
(2189,0.920000), (2195,0.990000), (2233,0.900000),
(2234,0.940000), (2235,0.950000), (2240,0.980000),
(2243,0.920000), (2253,0.900000), (2266,0.530000),
(2269,0.920000), (2270,0.970000), (2271,0.750000),
(2272,0.820000), (2275,0.910000), (2277,0.930000),
(2281,0.690000), (2282,0.710000), (2288,0.840000),
(2528,0.870000), (2778,0.950000), (2814,0.990000)
-- Create a table of groups
declare @groups table (
grp int not null primary key identity
while (select isnull(max(grp), 0) from @groups) < @numberOfGroups begin
insert into @groups default values
-- Check that we have enough items to fill all groups
if @numberOfGroups * @itemsPerGroup <= (select count(*) from @t_stats) begin
-- Groups now pick the best-fitting items one at a time
while (select count(*) from @t_stats where grp is not null) < (select count(*) * @itemsPerGroup from @groups) begin
declare @grp int, @Num int, @ratio decimal(8,4), @id int
-- Find the group with the least number of items or the worst ratio
select top 1 @grp = grp, @Num = Num, @ratio = ratio
from (
select g.grp
, count(i.grp) as Num
, isnull(avg(i.ratio), 0.0) as ratio
, abs(@targetRatio - avg(i.ratio)) as RatioDist
from @groups g
left join @t_stats i on g.grp = i.grp
group by g.grp
) as a
order by Num, RatioDist, grp
-- Let that group make their best pick
select top 1 @id = id
from (
select id
, abs(((ratio + (@ratio * @Num)) / (@Num + 1)) - @targetRatio) as NewRatioDist
from @t_stats
where grp is null
) as a
order by NewRatioDist
-- Update the items table based upon the pick
update @t_stats set grp = @grp where id = @id
else begin
-- Not enought items
raiserror('Too many groups or items per group.', 17, 0)
-- Display the results
select grp, count(*) as Num, avg(ratio) as ratio
from @t_stats
group by grp
order by grp
Try this
Declare @t Table (Id Int, Ratio DECIMAL(8,2))
Insert Into @t Values(1,0.5),(2,0.55),(3,0.97),(4,0.77),(5,0.97),(6,0.99),(7,1.0),(8,0.15),(9,0.33)
SELECT @MeanSum =SUM(Ratio)/3 FROM @T
;WITH Cte (Id,Ratio,Ids,RatioValues,RatioTotalWeight,Level) AS
,',' + CAST(Ratio AS VARCHAR(MAX))
,CAST(Ratio AS DECIMAL(8,2))
, p.Ratio
,c.Ids + ',' + CAST(p.Id AS VARCHAR(MAX))
,c.RatioValues + ',' + CAST(p.Ratio AS VARCHAR(MAX))
,CAST(c.RatioTotalWeight + p.Ratio AS DECIMAL(8,2))
FROM @t AS p JOIN Cte c ON p.Id < c.Id
WHERE c.Level < 3
),CTEOf3Groups AS(
Ids = STUFF(Ids,1,1,'')
, FirstChar = SUBSTRING(STUFF(Ids,1,1,''),0,CHARINDEX(',',STUFF(Ids,1,1,'')))
,DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY ABS(RatioTotalWeight - @MeanSum)) [rank] -- gets the closest distance
),CteGetTheRanks AS(
Select *, Rn = Row_Number() Over(Partition By FirstChar Order by FirstChar, [Rank] )
From CTEOf3Groups)
,CteGroups AS(
SELECT [GroupId] = Row_Number() Over( Order By (Select 1)), Ids,[Rank]
FROM CteGetTheRanks
Where [Rank]<=3
AND Rn = 1)
SELECT X.[GroupId],X.Id,t.Ratio
SELECT F1.[GroupId],
O.splitdata AS ID
CAST('<X>'+REPLACE(F.Ids,',','</X><X>')+'</X>' AS XML) AS xmlfilter
FROM CteGroups F
SELECT fdata.D.value('.','varchar(50)') AS splitdata
FROM f1.xmlfilter.nodes('X') As fdata(D)
) O
)X JOIN @t t ON t.Id = X.ID
Edited I tried with the sampel data that you provided (ddl provied for your reference)
Declare @t Table (Id Int, Ratio DECIMAL(8,2))
Insert Into @t Values
And the result is
The time taken for execution is 27 secs. Please test from your end (also the result) and let me know.
75 record DDL
Declare @t Table (Id Int, Ratio DECIMAL(8,4))
Insert Into @t Values
SQL really isn't the best tool for this sort of problem.
However, sometimes it's fun to bash some screws with the TSQL hammer!!
Here's an effort that gets the following on your 75 row example data:
GroupId Average Count
----------- --------------------------------------- -----------
1 0.798400 25
2 0.796600 25
3 0.797200 25
In under a second on my machine.
Just one caveat: This method has massive flaws but if you need to do this in SQL you can probably gaffer tape over them a bit, I just didn't have time to.
-- **Expects data in table t_stats (id, ratio)**
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#data') is not null drop table #data
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pairsets') is not null drop table #pairsets
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pairseed') is not null drop table #pairseed
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#match') is not null drop proc #match
-- rather horrible routine using dsql to find either:
-- 1) groups of values that sum to exactly @targetsum (only if @targetsum non null)
-- 2) the group containing the least values that includes data id @includeid and where the sum is within +- @targetsumrange
create proc #match(@targetsum DECIMAL(8,4), @includeid int, @targetsumrange DECIMAL(8,4)) as
set nocount on
declare @nearestmatch bit = 0
if @targetsum is null set @nearestmatch = 1
declare @combination table (value int, asstring varchar(10), alias varchar(50))
declare @savedpairseed int = (select pairseed from #pairseed)
declare @stmtTemplate varchar(max) = 'declare @pairseed int = (select pairseed from #pairseed)
declare @DistSum DECIMAL(8,4)
declare candloop cursor for select <SelectList>, <DistanceSum> as Dist_sum from <TableList> where <IdCheck> <SumCheck>
open candloop
fetch next from candloop into <VarsList>, @DistSum
while @@fetch_status = 0
if (select count(*) from #data where id in (<VarsList>)) = <VarsCount>
set @pairseed = @pairseed + 1
fetch next from candloop into <VarsList>, @DistSum
close candloop
deallocate candloop
update #pairseed set pairseed = @pairseed '
declare @combinations int = 1
declare @maxcombinations int = 8
while @combinations <= @maxcombinations
insert @combination select @combinations, cast(@combinations as varchar(10)), char(ascii('a') + @combinations-1)
declare @DeclareVars varchar(max) = ''
declare @SelectList varchar(max) = ''
declare @TableList varchar(max) = ''
declare @IdCheck varchar(max) = ''
declare @DistanceSum varchar(max) = ''
declare @InsertPairs varchar(max) = ''
declare @VarsList varchar(max) = ''
declare @SumCheck varchar(max) = ''
declare @DeleteData varchar(max) = 'delete #data where id in (<VarsList>)'
select @DeclareVars = @DeclareVars + 'declare @id'+asstring+ ' int ' from @combination
select @SelectList = @SelectList + alias +'.id, ' from @combination
set @SelectList = SUBSTRING(@selectlist, 1, LEN(@SelectList)-1)
select @TableList = @TableList + '#data '+alias+', ' from @combination
set @TableList = SUBSTRING(@TableList, 1, LEN(@TableList)-1)
select @IdCheck = @IdCheck + a.alias+'.id < '+b.alias+'.id and '
from @combination a join @combination b on a.value+1 = b.value
if LEN(@IdCheck) > 4
set @IdCheck = SUBSTRING(@IdCheck, 1, LEN(@IdCheck)-4) + ' and '
select @DistanceSum = @DistanceSum + alias+'.targetdistance + ' from @combination
set @DistanceSum = SUBSTRING(@DistanceSum, 1, LEN(@DistanceSum)-2)
select @VarsList = @VarsList + '@id'+asstring+ ', ' from @combination
set @VarsList = SUBSTRING(@VarsList, 1, LEN(@VarsList)-1)
select @InsertPairs = @InsertPairs + 'insert #pairsets select @pairseed, @id'+asstring+ ', @DistSum'+ CHAR(10) from @combination
set @SumCheck = @DistanceSum + ' = '+ cast(@Targetsum as varchar(20))
if @nearestmatch = 1
set @SumCheck = '('
select @SumCheck = @SumCheck + alias+'.id = '+CAST(@includeid as varchar(10))+' or ' from @combination
if LEN(@SumCheck) > 4
set @SumCheck = SUBSTRING(@SumCheck, 1, LEN(@SumCheck)-3)
set @SumCheck = @SumCheck + ')'
set @DeleteData = ''
declare @stmt varchar(max)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmtTemplate, '<DeclareVars>', @DeclareVars)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<DeleteData>', @DeleteData)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<SelectList>', @SelectList)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<TableList>', @TableList)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<IdCheck>', @IdCheck)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<DistanceSum>', @DistanceSum)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<InsertPairs>', @InsertPairs)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<VarsList>', @VarsList)
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<VarsCount>', cast(@combinations as varchar(10)))
set @stmt = REPLACE(@stmt, '<SumCheck>', @SumCheck)
exec (@stmt)
set @combinations = @combinations + 1
if @nearestmatch = 1
-- above will have recorded all possible matches within range
-- remove all but the closest and reindex the pair ids
declare @bestmatch int
select top 1 @bestmatch = pairid from #pairsets where pairid >= @savedpairseed and ABS(distsum) < @targetsumrange
delete #pairsets where pairid >= @savedpairseed and pairid <> ISNULL(@bestmatch, -1)
delete #data where id in (select id from #pairsets where pairid = @bestmatch)
update #pairsets set pairid = @savedpairseed where pairid = @bestmatch
update #pairseed set pairseed = @savedpairseed+1
set nocount on
-- set the parameters
declare @xmin DECIMAL(8,4) = 0.75
declare @xmax DECIMAL(8,4) = 0.85
declare @xrange DECIMAL(8,4) = @xmax - @xmin
declare @xtarg DECIMAL(8,4) = (@xmin+@xmax) / 2
declare @ngroups int = 3
declare @targetgroupsize int = 25
declare @maxbalancedpair int
-- copy the ratio data (using 75 row data from updated question)
select *, ratio-@xtarg as targetdistance, abs(ratio - @xtarg) as targetdistanceabsolute into #data from t_stats
create table #pairseed (pairseed int)
create table #pairsets (pairid int, id int, distsum DECIMAL(8,4) )
insert #pairseed select 1
-- due to the 2 decimal points and distribution of the data we can find many n-tuples that sum to zero
exec #match 0, 0, 0
select @maxbalancedpair = pairseed-1 from #pairseed
declare @deviants table (id int)
declare @most_deviant int
while exists(select * from #data where id not in (select id from @deviants))
select top 1 @most_deviant = id from #data where id not in (select id from @deviants) order by targetdistanceabsolute desc
insert @deviants select @most_deviant
exec #match null, @most_deviant, @xrange
-- in general there would have to be some backtracking here
-- now its a box-packing problem, but for simplicity just assign them round robin
declare @output_group_pairs table (groupid int, pairid int)
declare @groupidx int = 1
declare @numgroups int = 3
declare @pairid int
select @pairid = pairseed-1 from #pairseed
while @pairid >= 0
insert @output_group_pairs select @groupidx, @pairid
set @pairid = @pairid - 1
set @groupidx = (@groupidx % @numgroups) + 1
-- wimpy effort at redistributing the groups evenly
-- todo: many cases will not work, should use a proper algorithm
declare @maxiter int = 100
declare @previouspairs table (pairid int)
declare @previousgroups table (groupid int)
while exists(select groupid from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid group by groupid having COUNT(id) < @targetgroupsize)
set @maxiter = @maxiter-1
if @maxiter = 0 break
declare @groupid int = -1
declare @amountout int
select @groupid = groupid, @amountout = @targetgroupsize-COUNT(*)
from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid
where groupid not in (select groupid from @previousgroups)
group by groupid having COUNT(*) < @targetgroupsize
if @groupid = -1 break
declare @targetpair int = -1
select @targetpair = a.pairid from @output_group_pairs a
join (select pairid from #pairsets group by pairid having COUNT(*) <= @amountout) b on a.pairid = b.pairid
join (select groupid, count(id) groupcount from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid group by groupid) group_counts on a.groupid = group_counts.groupid
where a.pairid not in (select pairid from @previouspairs)
order by abs(@amountout - groupcount) asc
if @targetpair = -1
insert @previousgroups select @groupid
insert @previouspairs select @targetpair
update @output_group_pairs set groupid = @groupid where pairid = @targetpair
set @maxiter = 100
delete @previouspairs
delete @previousgroups
while exists(select groupid from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid group by groupid having COUNT(id) > @targetgroupsize)
set @maxiter = @maxiter-1
if @maxiter = 0 break
set @groupid = -1
set @amountout = null
select @groupid = groupid, @amountout = COUNT(*)-@targetgroupsize
from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid
where groupid not in (select groupid from @previousgroups)
group by groupid having COUNT(*) > @targetgroupsize
if @groupid = -1 break
set @targetpair = -1
select @targetpair = a.pairid from @output_group_pairs a
join (select pairid from #pairsets group by pairid having COUNT(*) <= @amountout) b on a.pairid = b.pairid
join (select groupid, count(id) groupcount from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid group by groupid) group_counts on a.groupid = group_counts.groupid
where a.pairid not in (select pairid from @previouspairs)
order by abs(@amountout - groupcount) asc
if @targetpair = -1
insert @previousgroups select @groupid
insert @previouspairs select @targetpair
delete @output_group_pairs where pairid = @targetpair
-- output groups and their stats
select GroupId, Id from @output_group_pairs a join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid order by 1, 2
select a.GroupId, AVG(c.ratio) as [Average] , count(*) as [Count]
from @output_group_pairs a
join #pairsets b on a.pairid = b.pairid
join t_stats c on b.id = c.id
group by a.groupid
drop table #data
drop table #pairsets
drop table #pairseed
drop proc #match
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