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select date range to get insight of the page

I am using Graph API for getting insights of the page. For that I am using link like :


This link gives me last three days of json object which is ok, but I want to specify date range in insights. I found end_date in documentation but not found start date.

Did any one know how I specify date range in this.

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Dharmendra Kumar Mistry Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 17:06

Dharmendra Kumar Mistry

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Updated mobile browser experience. Tap in the top right of Facebook. Tap Pages, then go to your Page. Tap More at the top of your Page, then tap Insights.

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1 Answers

You can use the since and until parameters. For example:


The only limitation is that you the range you specify cannot include be longer than about 35 days, otherwise you'll get this exception:

(#604) The specified date range cannot exceed 3024000 seconds"

Also see FB's own description of this using these parameters here: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/478

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Zach Dennis Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 18:01

Zach Dennis