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Are tfbnw.net email addresses suspicious for facebook login

I have a mobile app that allows logging in with facebook, when a user logs in I pull their email from the graph api but I just got a couple of logins with email addresses with @tfbnw.net domains which I guess is for test users while developing on facebook. I didnt generate these so is this someone doing something shady to login to my app or just expected behavior for some users given their settings?

Mobile app coded in react-native, using expo

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Steven Shadman Avatar asked Jan 18 '19 20:01

Steven Shadman

2 Answers

Those seem to be the internal facebook QA team going through your APPs and manually checking if you're following all facebook's guidelines.

Facebook auditing your app basically.... or at least they did to mine because right after those @tfbnw.net email registrations came in, I checked my facebook app settings and sure enough, I got an alert and an email shortly after. But never received those @tfbnw.net emails before today on any other facebook logins.

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Syrex Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09


I have checked my account and it looks like a generic test user Open Graph Test User gets created automatically, according to which product you enable in your app. It gets created for example, if you enable facebook login or messenger platform. not something shady IMHOenter image description here

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Edoardo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
