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Select data from multiple tables in MySQL using check boxes and show the table field according to checkbox

I have two tables in database of my users.

First table contains user unique ID, Name, Contact No and other personal information.

Second table contains unique id of user from first table and device information like his first machine number, second machine number and many others also.

My table no 2 structure is..


On the reports page, I am showing all the information in a table form using this

$sql = "SELECT e.* ,d.* FROM emitra_basic As e INNER JOIN emitra_device as d  ON d.uid=e.uid";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows>0) {?>
            <table ><tr><td> Uid</td><td> Name</td>
             <td> Micro Atm</td>.......and all column of both tables </tr>                            
 <?php while($row = $result->fetch_array()) {
   echo "<td>".  $row['uid']. "</td>";
     echo "<td>".  wordwrap($row['name'],15,"\n",1). "</td>"; ....and all  
    } echo "</table>";  

It works fine. But I want to show a customised report. It means I want to give check box/radio button for user of tables field. If he select field uses check box then its show only those value which check box/radio button are selected. It likes if user select three check box/radio button like Uid, name, m_atm. It shows only details of three columns from both tables and display table view accordingly these columns.

like image 889
omnath Avatar asked Feb 14 '16 06:02


People also ask

Can you select from multiple tables in MySQL?

You can use multiple tables in your single SQL query. The act of joining in MySQL refers to smashing two or more tables into a single table. You can use JOINS in the SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE statements to join the MySQL tables. We will see an example of the LEFT JOIN also which is different from the simple MySQL JOIN.

How do I select multiple values from multiple tables in SQL?

In SQL we can retrieve data from multiple tables also by using SELECT with multiple tables which actually results in CROSS JOIN of all the tables. The resulting table occurring from CROSS JOIN of two contains all the row combinations of the 2nd table which is a Cartesian product of tables.

Can we show data from multiple tables with one query?

To retrieve information from more than one table, you need to join those tables together. This can be done using JOIN methods, or you can use a second SELECT statement inside your main SELECT query—a subquery.

How do I extract data from multiple tables?

In SQL, to fetch data from multiple tables, the join operator is used. The join operator adds or removes rows in the virtual table that is used by SQL server to process data before the other steps of the query consume the data.

1 Answers

If I undestand you, to do that you need add to ON d.uid=e.uid" something like this ON d.uid=e.uid" AND Uid=$id AND name=$name And m_atm=$atm, or to add this to where (to where I thinght is not good)

For example


 <form method="get" action="/a.php">
 <input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="text1"/>
 <input type="checkbox" name="check2" value="text2"/>
 <input id="submit" onclick="f();return false;" type="button" value="ok"/>

PHP (test.php)

     if(isset($_GET['check1'])) $id=" AND Uid='$_GET[check1]'"; //if is checked first
if(isset($_GET['check2'])) $name=" AND name='$_GET[check2]'"; //if is checked second

/* . . . */

$sql = "SELECT e.* ,d.* FROM emitra_basic As e INNER JOIN emitra_device as d  ON (d.uid=e.uid $id $name )";



 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

 function f() {
 var url;
 var xmlhttp,

 url="/text.php?"+$('form').serialize(); //change text.php

 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
    xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {

  function myfunction(response) { alert(url+'   '+response);
 //do something


That Php code is simply, but you can use loop and key value to make it look more good

For example you can use <input name=text[]> for all ckeckboxes elements and do this

 foreach ($_GET['text'] as $key => $value) {
 if($key==0) $key='uid'; else
 if($key==1) $key='name'; else
 if($key==2) $key='m_atm'; 

 $q.="$key='$value' AND ";


 $sql2 = "SELECT e.* ,d.* FROM emitra_basic As e INNER JOIN emitra_device as d  ON (d.uid=e.uid $q )";

like image 147
Michael Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11
