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Generate signature in Elixir and PHP using hmac





I try to generate a signature using Elixir, which has a same value as PHP does.

For example the code in PHP is

$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha256", "abc", "def"));

and the output will be


How should I generate the signature that has the same value in Elixir. I tried something like below

iex(9)> :crypto.hmac(:sha256, "abc", "def") |> Base.encode64                          │

iex(10)> :crypto.hash(:sha256, :crypto.hmac(:sha256, "abc", "def")) |> Base.encode64  │

or I switch the position of abc and def

iex(11)> :crypto.hash(:sha256, :crypto.hmac(:sha256, "def", "abc")) |> Base.encode64  │

iex(12)> :crypto.hmac(:sha256, "def", "abc") |> Base.encode64                         │

But none of them has the same value. Can someone tell me how to do it the right way?

like image 641
王志軍 Avatar asked Sep 16 '15 07:09


1 Answers

The main problem is that hash_hmac returns a hex string, while :crypto.hmac returns a binary.

The equivalent code in Elixir is:

iex(1)> :crypto.hmac(:sha256, "def", "abc") |> Base.encode16 |> String.downcase |> Base.encode64

We need to use String.downcase because Base.encode16 returns a hex string with capital A-F while PHP's hash_hmac returns lower case a-f.

like image 71
Dogbert Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 01:11
