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select closest values from two different arrays




suppose i have a numpy array

A = [[1 2 3]
     [2 3 3]
     [1 2 3]]

and another array

B = [[3 2 3]
     [1 2 3]
     [4 6 3]]

and a array of true values:

C = [[1 4 3]
     [8 7 3]
     [4 10 3]]

Now I want to create an array D, the elements of which are dervied from either A or B, the condition being the closest value of each element from array C.

Is there any pythonic way to do this? Right now im using loops

like image 832
Abhishek Thakur Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 11:03

Abhishek Thakur

1 Answers

>>> K = abs(A - C) < abs(B - C)  # create array of bool
[[True, False, False],
 [True,  True, False],
 [False, False, False]]
>>> D = where(K, A, B)     # get elements of A and B respectively
like image 82
Roman Pekar Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 20:04

Roman Pekar