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Select all columns except for some PostgreSQL




I have to compare tables but there are some columns which I don't need to compare and I only know them (not the ones I have to compare) so I want to select all columns from table except the ones that I don't need to compare.

I thought of something like:

SELECT 'SELECT ' || array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT 'o' || '.' || c.column_name
    FROM information_schema.columns As c
        WHERE table_name = 'office' 
        AND  c.column_name NOT IN('id', 'deleted')
), ',') || ' FROM officeAs o' As sqlstmt

however the output was SELECT * FROM office As o instead of being select a,b,c from office without id and deleted columns.

Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong with this query?

like image 965
user122222 Avatar asked Aug 21 '18 11:08


4 Answers

The other solutions do work but if we're talking about correcting your query, this would work:

SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT '' || c.column_name
FROM information_schema.columns As c
    WHERE table_name = 'office' 
    AND  c.column_name NOT IN('id', 'deleted')
), ', ') as 'Office Columns'

This will give you the list of columns you need.

like image 52
Rohan CJ Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Rohan CJ

This works:

CREATE TABLE public.office(id INTEGER, a TEXT, b TEXT, deleted BOOLEAN, c TEXT)


SELECT 'SELECT ' || STRING_AGG('o.' || column_name, ', ') || ' FROM office AS o'
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'office'
AND table_schema = 'public'
AND column_name NOT IN ('id', 'deleted')


SELECT o.a, o.b, o.c FROM office AS o

like image 26
404 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10


In case anyone from the Rails world happens to end up here (as I have), using the example of a table with 10 columns where you want to SELECT all the columns except for one, you can accomplish this like so:

SomeModelName.select(SomeModelName.column_names - ['column_1'])

instead of having to do:

SomeModelName.select(:column_2, :column_3, :column_4, :column_5, :column_6, :column_7, :column_8, :column_9, :column_10)
like image 36
jeffdill2 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10


I'm not sure if this helps, but I would write the query as:

SELECT 'SELECT ' || string_agg('o' || '.' || c.column_name, ', ') || ' FROM ' || table_name || ' o' As sqlstmt
FROM information_schema.columns As c
WHERE table_name = 'office' AND
      c.column_name NOT IN ('id', 'deleted')
GROUP BY c.table_name;
like image 31
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

Gordon Linoff