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Select a portion from a MySQL Blob Field





I have a table containing lots of data and one of them is a blob. I some times needs to look into this blob for data using PHP.

I do:

select `desc` from table where `desc` like '%Nam rhoncus%';

this return the entire data but I don't need it

So if my description is like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a tempor velit. Integer sit amet ligula nibh, eu rutrum ante. Mauris cursus, neque eu ultrices pulvinar, purus purus fermentum libero, in eleifend tortor orci quis lectus. Cras luctus nunc ac tortor laoreet eu iaculis libero consectetur. Maecenas iaculis facilisis libero sodales auctor. Donec gravida interdum vehicula. Suspendisse vitae massa eget arcu condimentum mattis. Fusce ut ligula ante, nec placerat felis. Maecenas vel nunc nibh, ut luctus urna. Nunc eu lectus a orci iaculis volutpat eget a lorem. Nunc lobortis porttitor tempor. Nulla ipsum neque, volutpat in viverra sit amet, pharetra non tortor. Phasellus at leo pellentesque nunc ultrices euismod.

Nulla ullamcorper scelerisque leo, eu consequat risus fringilla id. Nulla facilisi. Cras sit amet sem a diam molestie dignissim. Duis interdum, sapien quis laoreet bibendum, dui turpis imperdiet magna, id auctor metus velit sollicitudin dolor. Integer blandit, turpis eget interdum commodo, ante nisl laoreet dui, ac congue purus dui quis nisl. Etiam blandit eleifend tortor at egestas. Vestibulum euismod orci ac nibh consectetur feugiat. Praesent ac libero quam. Morbi elit nulla, gravida ac blandit eu, bibendum vitae lacus. In facilisis pellentesque ipsum aliquam auctor. Nam rhoncus, purus eget fringilla ullamcorper, mauris tellus fermentum lectus, ut tempus tellus arcu vel dolor. Suspendisse eros augue, tincidunt sit amet luctus et, auctor id turpis. Praesent consequat velit ut arcu convallis sodales. Proin pulvinar varius erat, id consequat orci varius sed.

An I am looking for: Nam rhoncus I want to get the first occurence like:

...m auctor. Nam rhoncus, purus eg...

like image 537
Gilbert Kakaz Avatar asked Feb 06 '12 01:02

Gilbert Kakaz

People also ask

How can I change BLOB data in MySQL?

BLOB Editor is invoked from data grid of any table editor or the result tab of SQL Editor and Visual Query Builder by double clicking of the BLOB field to be edited or with the Edit BLOB link of the field's popup menu. The editor also can be called from BLOB Viewer with the Edit current BLOB button.

What is Longblob in MySQL?

LONGBLOB: A binary large object column with a maximum length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) bytes, or 4GB in storage. Each LONGBLOB value is stored using a four-byte length prefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.

How do you use BLOB data type?

BLOB is the family of column type intended as high-capacity binary storage. The actual BLOB column type is of four types-TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and LONGBLOB. The four BLOB types are very similar to each other; the only difference is the maximum amount of data each can store.

1 Answers

This query:

      LOCATE('Nam rhoncus', `description`) - 10, 
      (LENGTH('Nam rhoncus') + 20)), 
    '...') AS `description`
FROM table 
WHERE `description` LIKE '%Nam rhoncus%';

(I broke it down like this so it's easier to read)

this will output:

...m auctor. Nam rhoncus, purus eg...

So in your PHP you can do:

define('CHAR_LEFT', 10);
define('CHAR_RIGHT', 10);
// db stuff
$search = mysql_real_escape_string($search_var);
$query = "SELECT CONCAT('...', SUBSTR(`description`, LOCATE('" . $search . "', `description`) - " . CHAR_LEFT . ", (LENGTH('" . $search . "') + " . (CHAR_LEFT + CHAR_RIGHT) . ")), '...') AS `description` FROM table WHERE `description` LIKE '%" . $search . "%';";
// then your request

NOTE: Ill be careful using mysql reversed words, this is why I use description instead.

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Book Of Zeus Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09

Book Of Zeus