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Segmentation fault when using vectors in the class and constructor

I was doing a list of programming projects, and this project is to make a 15 puzzle (slide puzzle). I was working on the project when I hit a small roadblock.

My code compiles just fine, but when I run it, I get a segmentation fault at line 12: pos[0] = x;

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
class Tile{
    vector<int> pos;
    int value;
    Tile(int x, int y, int value_){
        pos[0] = x;
        pos[1] = y;
        value = value_;
    int getPos(int a){return pos[a];}
    void setPos(int a, int b){pos[a] = b;}
int main(){
    Tile tile1(1, 2, 10);
    Tile* t1;
    t1 = &tile1;

    // returns position "x"
    cout << t1->getPos(0);
    return 0;

I mean, I could just do the whole project without having to use vectors/arrays to handle the position, but I do still want to know, for my own understanding in the future, why this doesn't work.

Based on the debug that I ran, the program is having trouble initializing the value of the pos[] vector.

Another issue: probably related, I tried setting the size of the vector when it was instantiated.

vector<int> pos(2);

But then I get the debug error:

error: expected identifier before numeric constant

Not sure whats going on here. I've tried a bunch of different things but I can't seem to figure out why my vectors don't work inside of classes.

I'm sure there are a hundred ways I could have done this little piece better, and I would love to know how you would have fixed it, but I also need to know what is wrong, specifically in the context of what I have written and tried.


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Jeremiah Lee Avatar asked Nov 26 '19 14:11

Jeremiah Lee

People also ask

What are three kinds of pointers that can cause a segmentation fault?

Dereferencing or assigning to an uninitialized pointer (wild pointer, which points to a random memory address) Dereferencing or assigning to a freed pointer (dangling pointer, which points to memory that has been freed/deallocated/deleted) A buffer overflow. A stack overflow.

How can segmentation fault be avoided?

Use a #define or the sizeof operator at all places where the array length is used. Improper handling of NULL terminated strings. Forgetting to allocate space for the terminating NULL character. Forgetting to set the terminating NULL character.

How is a segmentation fault caused?

Overview. A segmentation fault (aka segfault) is a common condition that causes programs to crash; they are often associated with a file named core . Segfaults are caused by a program trying to read or write an illegal memory location.

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2 Answers

I tried setting the size of the vector when it was instantiated.

vector<int> pos(2);

But then I get the debug error:

error: expected identifier before numeric constant

That's a compilation error, not a debug error.

You can't initialise members like that. However, you can (and should) initialise them using the parent constructor:

Tile(int x, int y, int value_)
    : pos(2)
    pos[0] = x;
    pos[1] = y;
    value = value_;

Currently you're just leaving your vector empty then accessing (and writing to!) elements that don't exist.

You really don't want a vector for this, anyway: that's a lot of dynamic allocation. How about a nice array? Or just two ints.

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Lightness Races in Orbit Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 06:10

Lightness Races in Orbit

As mentioned in other answers, your vector is empty and your code is attempting to assign non-existent elements.

The solution is to always use initialisers instead of assignment. Rewrite your constructor as follows:

Tile(int x, int y, int value) :
    pos{x, y},
    value{value} {}

Note that the constructor body is now empty. All initialisation happens where it should — in the initialiser list.

Apart from that, your class does not need an explicitly defined destructor; the default destructor works just fine.

There are other issues with this class — for instance, what happens when the user does tile.setPos(3, 4)? A rule of thumb of good API design is to make it impossible to misuse the API.

Here’s how I would write your Tile class instead:

struct Tile {
    int x;
    int y;
    int value;

    Tile(int x, int y, int value) : x{x}, y{y}, value{value} {}

The getter and setter in your case wasn’t really doing any meaningful work. There’s an argument to be made to hide all data members behind accessors to future-proof access control. I’m no longer convinced this is actually useful but just in case, here’s a solution with that, too:

class Tile {
    int x_;
    int y_;
    int value_;

    Tile(int x, int y, int value) : x_{x}, y_{y}, value_{value} {}

    int x() const { return x; }
    int& x() { return x; }

    int y() const { return y; }
    int& y() { return y; }

    int value() const { return value; }

This makes x and y readable and writable (via assignment: t.x() = 42;), and value only readable. Other APIs are possible, with different sets of trade-offs. The important thing is to be consistent.

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Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 05:10

Konrad Rudolph