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Seeking FOSS .NET image processing "lasso" selector

Before I reinvent the wheel ...

I'm coding in C#, so need a .NET solution. I want to process a gray-scale image which can be broken down into areas, which can be defined as having a lower & upper colour threshold (or "darkness") - none of which overlap and to identify various sections of the image - lasso style, as in a paint program.

When identified I want the software to either deliniate the areas with a border of a given colo(u)r or to return a list of x/y co-ords which represent the border.

Is there a FOSS solution which can be used in a commercial project? (the more liberal the license the better, in case I have to tweak the source) Failing that, can anyone point me at an algorithm?

Thansk in advance

like image 340
Mawg says reinstate Monica Avatar asked Mar 18 '11 02:03

Mawg says reinstate Monica

2 Answers

AForge.net is really good, i've used it in a few projects.


I remember it has the following at least:

  • Edge detectors: sobel, difference, canny, homogeneity
  • Corners' detectors: SUSAN, Moravec

However it is GNU Lesser GPL

like image 89
Sam Giles Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 19:11

Sam Giles

It sounds like you need an edge detection algorithm. If so, a quick web search shows that there are various libraries and source available, for example http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/Laplace_Gaussion_edge.aspx.

A similar question was also asked on here: Edge detection on C# (similar but not quite the same, so I don't think your question is a duplicate).

like image 22
Steve Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
