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Most Efficient way to find the index of an item in a SortedDictionary

I am using a sorted dictionary to maintain a list of items, of which I regularly need to monitor the state of the top x items. Every time I update an item, I'd like a quick way of figuring out what index the item I'm referring to is using. I understand I can enumerate the entire list and count out my position, but I am looking for something with O(log n) time or better, after all the sorted dictionary is on a RedBlack tree. Each node should be able to keep track of its children, and this should be a quick calculation.

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Superman Avatar asked Sep 07 '10 23:09


1 Answers

You can simply change your SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> into a SortedList<TKey, TValue> and then use IndexOfKey(key):

var s = new SortedList<string, string>
    { { "a", "Ay" }, { "b", "Bee" }, { "c", "Cee" } };

// Outputs 1

IndexOfKey internally uses Array.BinarySearch<TKey>(), so it will be O(log n), which is faster than O(n) (which it would be if you searched from front to back by iterating through it).

like image 50
Timwi Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10
