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See full redirect path and HTTP status code in Chrome

I'm trying to find out of a certain link shorteners and out.php linkscripts redirect using 301 redirect or not. I'm looking at the resources tab in Chrome's developer tools, but it only shows headers for the target page and not for the link scripts itself.

Also, some of the sites I'm investigating actually redirect more than once, so it'd be best if I could track the entire redirect path.

How can I see if how I was exactly redirected, and if they were using 301 or not?

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Stephan Muller Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 10:01

Stephan Muller

2 Answers

Since 2014

At the top of Chrome's inspector (in the Network tab) is a checkbox which says Preserve log. Enable this option. Now it doesn't matter at all how the page navigates, the inspector will keep all log history -- including the redirect response.

Older versions of Chrome

At the bottom of Chrome's inspector (in the Network tab) is a button with a big circle. Hover over this button and a tooltip says Preserve log upon navigation. Click the button and it will turn red. Now it doesn't matter at all how the page navigates, the inspector will keep all log history -- including the redirect response.

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Alexander Bird Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Alexander Bird

I had the same issue and found the solution differed slightly to previous answers.

I had to select Other for the document type in the filter bar, as well as have preserve log ticked and record network log on.

Chrome Dev Tools Screenshot

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jx12345 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
