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Searching files in Eclipse



I want to search a file in Eclipse. What's the shorcut to open file search dialog box?

like image 941
aks Avatar asked Jun 02 '10 12:06


People also ask

How do I search everywhere in Eclipse?

searches ( ctrl + H ): you can define a search in files by default. searches in shortcuts ( ctrl + l ): for dearching the list of key bindings.

2 Answers

If you want to search in files: Ctrl+H and then choose tab File Search.

If you want to search for resources: Ctrl+Shift+R.

If you want to search for Java types: Ctrl+Shift+T.

If you want more shortcut keys: Ctrl+Shift+L.

like image 166
BalusC Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10


There is no default shortcut to open the "Search a File" dialog directly.

Anyway you can use CTRL + H to open the "Search Dialog".

You can also use CTRL + Shift + L to open the "Key Assist" which will show you all configured shortcuts as a kind of tooltip.

Pressing again CTRL + Shift + L in the "Key Assist", you can directly configure your own shortcuts. Enter "File Search" for the filter and simply set your own key combination.

I often search for a file and want also to open it directly. So I use the "Search for Resource" Dialog called with CTRL + Shift + R.

like image 33
echox Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
