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Run two Java programs from Eclipse at once?

I am building a Java Google App Engine server project and a Java desktop client. I would like to run them both at once, but I'm not sure if this is possible using Eclipse/GAE plugin. Is there some way? I'd like to be able to step through them both at the same time.

I tried opening a new instance of Eclipse, but it complained that the workspace is already in use, both projects are in the same workspace. (Perhaps I could just move them to different workspaces.)

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Nick Heiner Avatar asked Mar 28 '11 01:03

Nick Heiner

People also ask

Can Eclipse run 2 programs simultaneously?

If you are comfortable running on two or more programs on the terminal you can copy command line args from the debug view for different launch configurations and run on two or more terminals!! Now after run> Right click on the last launch(debug tab) and go to properties. Eclipse will list the exact command line.

How do I run multiple instances of a program in Eclipse?

The command line arguments are stored in Eclipse in a Run Configuration (menu: Run > Run Configurations... , or Run > Debug Configurations... ). Just create two of them, reference the same main class, and specify different command line arguments, e.g. to specify different ports, then Run / Debug both of them.

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U can use ur integrated terminal in vsc, cd into that out folder, and then type "java serverfilename" to run them. Then u just open a new terminal or a split screen terminal and do the same thing with client file.

How do I open two classes in Eclipse?

Click on the tab of one of the files you want to edit and drag the tab to the edge of the editor frame until you see a vertical line appear in the middle of the editor frame. Then drop the tab there and you have two files to view side-by-side.

2 Answers

I'm not familiar with the GAE and if that interferes, but I don't have a problem running multiples. I often fire up a server and multiple clients from the same window.

A few pointers:

  • Go to the main method of each program to run them. Once you've run them once, they show up in the drop menu on the run button.
  • Make multiple consoles and pin them. It makes it much easier to see your (debug/informational) outputs in real time.
  • Move the multiple consoles to separate views so you can see them at the same time.

Before on top, after on bottom enter image description here

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corsiKa Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


After adding the new Console view, you must go to the icon to its left and select which console you want to see. If you're running two programs you will see the two programs in the drop down list.

Thanks for the answers. I was just trying it out and it was really helpful.

(By icon to the left I mean the one that looks like a mini purple color monitor)

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Sruthi Nair Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Sruthi Nair