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Search for element by XPath in Firefox 57 DevTools Inspector

In Google Chrome, when we inspect the page, and press CTRL+F we have option to find through string: XPath or CSS selector.

In Firefox 57.0.4, but I can select elements using a CSS selector, but not XPath.

Is this disabled in latest Firefox? If not, then how can I use it?

Note: It is now possible to use xpath in firefox.

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Awaish Kumar Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 23:10

Awaish Kumar

1 Answers

Firefox built-in DevTools do not support searching for elements by XPath as of version 70. This request is tracked in bug 963933.

As a workaround you can use the $x() command in the Console.

Related: Why doesn't FirePath work anymore since Firefox 51.0.1?

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Nickolay Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
