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Search and Replace only in open files (netbeans)



Anyone know if it's possible to search and replace in all opened files in netbeans? Can't seem to find the option if there even is one.

I'm using the Netbeans 6.9 PHP IDE

like image 835
ChrisR Avatar asked Sep 27 '10 13:09


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6 Answers


This will open the Replace in Projects, where-in you can search and replace on files on all open projects, or on the selected project only.

like image 166
Ruel Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10


Open the file you want the replacements. Press Ctrl + H And them at the bottom you will see

enter image description here

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Pankaj Bhagat Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Pankaj Bhagat

It's available in builds >= 7.4 from NetBeans. Not available in 7.3. I just got a status update message from NetBeans that they've added this feature.

  1. Use Replace in Projects. Shortcut = CTRL+SHIFT+H
  2. Select Open Documents

You can see how it looks likes here

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coder247 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10


To search in open files press CTRL+SHIFT+F and in section scope select Open Documents.

enter image description here

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JuZer Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10


Sure you can ... or at least you can do something very similar ...

Go to projects view and select multiple files (the files you have opened in this case). Then press CTRL+F and start searching in the selected nodes. It's not exactly 'opened files' but I think it's your best choice.

Hope that helps!

PD: CTRL + CLICK is a good method to select multiple files on Windows.

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Beto Aveiga Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Beto Aveiga

This seems impossible in netbeans 6.9 and it hasn't been introduced in Netbeans 7 either.

like image 33
ChrisR Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
