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search and replace for forward slash



I am trying to replace multiple forward slashes "//" with a single slash "/".

How would you do that?

Also, How would you replace "asd/qwe/zxc" with "fgh/vbn"?

I was able to do this half way using below. But how do I use forward slash in the search string or the replace string.

like image 957
Neerav Avatar asked Dec 17 '12 19:12


2 Answers

Either escape it or use different delimiters.


I prefer the latter.

Missed the second part:


You can pick any delimiter that you want in the same manner that you could in ed or sed.

like image 71
D.Shawley Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11


You can try using:


to replace all double slashes with single slashes (though I imagine a guru will show a much cooler way shortly :) ). The general idea is that you need to escape the slashes.

like image 32
RocketDonkey Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11
