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Scripting with bcdedit


After rebuilding a HDD using ImageX and a WIM, the BCD sometimes gets corrupted. I therefor need to rebuid the BCD from a script running unattended in a command prompt.

The below code does the job, when entered manually. I need help to automate it (see further below code example):

bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootsect.exe /nt60 all /force
attrib -h -s C:\boot\BCD
del C:\boot\BCD
bcdedit.exe /createstore c:\boot\bcd.temp
bcdedit.exe /store c:\boot\bcd.temp /create {bootmgr} /d "Windows Boot Manager"
bcdedit.exe /import c:\boot\bcd.temp
bcdedit.exe /set {bootmgr} device partition=C:
bcdedit.exe /timeout 10
attrib -h -s C:\boot\bcd.temp
del c:\boot\bcd.temp
bcdedit.exe /create /d "Microsoft Windows" /application osloader
bcdedit.exe /set {GUID} device partition=C:
bcdedit.exe /set {GUID} osdevice partition=C:
bcdedit.exe /set {GUID} path \Windows\system32\winload.exe
bcdedit.exe /set {GUID} systemroot \Windows
bcdedit.exe /displayorder {GUID}

As started above, I need to run this in a unattended command prompt. The output from the 6th last statement "bcdedit.exe /create /d "Microsoft Windows" /application osloader" is a newly creates GUID. This ID is needed in the following commands.

How do I load this new GUID from bcdedit to a variable I can call in the following code?

Best Regards Henrik V. Nielsen

like image 671
Henrik Nielsen Avatar asked May 09 '16 12:05

Henrik Nielsen

1 Answers

If other should face the same problem, I solved it by adding the following line.

For /F "tokens=2 delims={}" %%i in ('bcdedit.exe') do (set _NEWGUID=%%i)

This works because there is only one GUID in the file.

like image 65
Henrik Nielsen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Henrik Nielsen