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Save a part of html to local storage later load


I need to save contents of a html div (id=tabela) to localstorage, so that the contents of the table can be loaded in another session via localstorage. How to get the div contents into a variable?

var = tabelaContent; //<-- I need contents of <div id=tabela> in this 

// then, upon pressing the "load" button


FYI if there is another way of making the table's content persistent, let me know


like image 334
Stan Kenway Avatar asked May 09 '16 18:05

Stan Kenway

1 Answers

You can use document.getElementById("myID").innerHTML, like this:

var = tabelaContent; 

tabelaContent = document.getElementById("tabela").innerHTML
like image 111
ScaisEdge Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
