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Script schema compare changes between two SSDT projects

I would like to script the changes produced by a schema compare between two SSDT projects, but the "generate scripts" button is grayed out / disabled when the source and target are both SSDT projects.

The "update" button is not grayed. If I want to directly update, I can. But I need the scripts because I'm using this two manage two database environments that are not on the same network (but need to be kept in sync with db schema and code promotions).

Also, just to verify and reinforce, if my target is a real database and not a project, I can generate scripts. Its only when the target is a project that I cannot generate scripts. Unfortunately I cannot directly connect to the target DB.

I would really like to avoid having a database copy of each of my clients DB environments locally just for the sake of generating scripts (I already have SSDT projects for each).

Is this an intentional limitation? Seems odd. I can't be the first guy that has to manage a clients schema that I can't directly connect to from my dev machine.

like image 892
user2245759 Avatar asked Sep 26 '14 13:09


People also ask

How do you compare two schemas?

To compare database definitions. On the Tools menu, select SQL Server, and then click New Schema Comparison. Alternatively, right-click the TradeDev project in Solution Explorer, and select Schema Compare. The Schema Compare window opens, and Visual Studio automatically assigns it a name such as SqlSchemaCompare1 .

How do I compare two db schemas in SQL Developer?

You can use the SQL Developer Database Diff wizard to compare the objects in two schemas, identify the differences and then selectively apply changes to the destination schema based on the results of the comparison. The Database Diff wizard is available from the main Tools menu.

1 Answers

According to Microsoft's page on Schema Compare (emphasis added):

"You can update the target directly from the Schema Compare window if the target is a database or a project, or you can generate an update script if the target is a database or a database file."

The behaviour you describe appears to be how the functionality is intended to work.

However, if you can build/compile your projects this will produce .dacpac files (aka database file), which you can compare and generate a script, either using the Schema Comparison, or it appears the command line version of SSDT (sqlpackage.exe) appears to support a Source and Target of .dacpac.

Hope that helps.

like image 56
hanzworld Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
