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Screenshot sizes for publishing on Google Play not working

I'm publishing my application on Google Play, and my screenshots are 800x1627. It's higher than the min, and lower than the max.

Why is this happening?

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Ali Bdeir Avatar asked Apr 08 '17 18:04

Ali Bdeir

People also ask

What size should play store screenshots be?

For apps, you must provide at least four screenshots with minimum 1080px resolution. These should be 16:9 for landscape (minimum 1920x1080px) screenshots and 9:16 for portrait screenshots (minimum 1080x1920px).

How do you change your screenshot on Google Play Store?

To update app store screenshots for Google Play/Android, you'll need to: Go to the Publish To Android Devices section. Generate new screenshots. Download the screenshots and upload them to Google Play.

Which image file format is acceptable for a feature graphic in a Google Play Store listing?

To upload your feature graphic you should go to your store listing (Graphic Assets section to be precise) within the Google Play Console. Don't forget it has to comply with store requirements: Image format: JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Dimensions: 1024px by 500px.

2 Answers

You need to resize your screenshot. Constraints:

  • Min length for any side: 320px.
  • Max length for any side: 3840px.
  • Max aspect ratio: 2:1.

In your case, the aspect ratio is not correct. If you want to maintain the width of 800px, then the maximum height can only be 1600px (or a minimum of 400px).

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Terry Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


Just as mentioned in the 1st answer your resolution should be in a ratio of "2:1" So I was using Samsung galaxy S9 screenshots that had a resolution of 1080x2220 So to make it 2:1 I just went to an online image resizer like this and resized the image to 1080x2160 where it doesn't exceed the 3840px max limit either, and the image upload was a success.

Hope the answer helps :)

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Mohit Pardasani Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Mohit Pardasani