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Scrapy: how to debug scrapy lost requests

I have a scrapy spider, but it doesn't return requests sometimes.

I've found that by adding log messages before yielding request and after getting response.

Spider has iterating over a pages and parsing link for item scrapping on each page.

Here is a part of code

    def parse_page(self, response):
        request = Request(target_link, callback=self.parse_item_general)
        request.meta['date_updated'] = date_updated
        self.log('parse_item_general_send {url}'.format(url=request.url), level=log.INFO)
        yield request

    def parse_item_general(self, response):
        self.log('parse_item_general_recv {url}'.format(url=response.url), level=log.INFO)
        sel = Selector(response)

I've compared number of each log messages and "parse_item_general_send" is more than "parse_item_general_recv"

There's no 400 or 500 errors in final statistics, all responses status code is only 200. It looks like requests just disappears.

I've also added these parameters to minimize possible errors:


Because of asynchronous nature of twisted, I don't know how to debug this bug. I've found a similar question: Python Scrapy not always downloading data from website, but it hasn't any response

like image 413
Nikolai Golub Avatar asked Dec 21 '13 20:12

Nikolai Golub

1 Answers

On, the same note as Rho, you can add the setting

DUPEFILTER_CLASS = 'scrapy.dupefilter.BaseDupeFilter' 

to your "settings.py" which will remove the url caching. This is a tricky issue since there isn't a debug string in the scrapy logs that tells you when it uses a cached result.

like image 193
IamnotBatman Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 22:11
