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Is there an efficient way to merge two sorted dataframes in pandas, maintaing sortedness?

If I have two dataframes (or series) that are already sorted on compatible keys, I'd like to be able to cheaply merge them together and maintain sortedness. I can't see a way to do that other than via concat() and explicit sort()

a = pd.DataFrame([0,1,2,3], index=[1,2,3,5], columns=['x'])
b = pd.DataFrame([4,5,6,7], index=[0,1,4,6], columns=['x'])
print pd.concat([a,b])
print pd.concat([a,b]).sort()

1  0
2  1
3  2
5  3
0  4
1  5
4  6
6  7

0  4
1  0
1  5
2  1
3  2
4  6
5  3
6  7

It looks like there has been a bit of related discussion with numpy arrays, suggesting an 'interleave' method, but I haven't found a good answer.

like image 603
patricksurry Avatar asked May 01 '13 12:05


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Merge can be used in cases where both the left and right columns are not unique, and therefore cannot be an index. A merge is also just as efficient as a join as long as: Merging is done on indexes if possible.

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As you can see, the merge is faster than joins, though it is small value, but over 4000 iterations, that small value becomes a huge number, in minutes.

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It can be done using the merge() method. Below are some examples that depict how to merge data frames of different lengths using the above method: Example 1: Below is a program to merge two student data frames of different lengths.

1 Answers

If we limit the problem to a and b having only one column, then I would go through this path:

s = a.merge(b, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
s.stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
like image 175
Zeugma Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11
