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Scraping data from a dynamic web table

I want to scrape data from a webpage with a dynamic table. The table contains information on train rides.

This is the website: https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/?mp=3/

I tried to request the data with a simple mounted request session, but I only got basic HTML data without the data from the table.

def requests_retry_session(
    status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504, 429),
    session = session or requests.Session()
    retry = Retry(
    adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
    session.mount('http://', adapter)
    session.mount('https://', adapter)
    return session 

session = requests_retry_session()
response = session.get('https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/?mp=3/')

How can I do this correctly?

like image 277
gython Avatar asked Apr 24 '21 18:04


People also ask

What websites can I scrape data from?

Scrapy, ParseHub, Scraper API. OctoParse, Webhose.io, Common Crawl, Mozenda, Content Grabber are a few of the best web scraping tools available for free.

What is data scraping with examples?

Web scraping refers to the extraction of web data on to a format that is more useful for the user. For example, you might scrape product information from an ecommerce website onto an excel spreadsheet. Although web scraping can be done manually, in most cases, you might be better off using an automated tool.

3 Answers

The data is loaded dynamically from different URL. You can use this example how to load it just with requests/beautifulsoup:

import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

data = {
    "sort": "Einfahrtzeit-desc",
    "page": "1",
    "pageSize": "10",
    "group": "",
    "filter": "",
    "__RequestVerificationToken": "",
    "locid": "1",

headers = {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}

url = "https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/"
api_url = "https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/train_read"

with requests.Session() as s:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(s.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = soup.select_one(
    data = s.post(api_url, data=data, headers=headers).json()

# pretty print the data
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))


    "Data": [
            "id": 2536954,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:56:26.1703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 1,
            "Richtung": "Kiel",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 7.3,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 181.85884,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 115.57797,
            "Maximalpegel": 88.611084,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 85.421326,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536944,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:52:25.1703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 2,
            "Richtung": "Hamburg",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 6.3,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 211.10226,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 152.60104,
            "Maximalpegel": 91.81743,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 87.95224,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536929,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:44:31.4703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 1,
            "Richtung": "Kiel",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 5.3,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 104.69964,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 110.10052,
            "Maximalpegel": 82.100815,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 79.98168,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536924,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:42:30.3703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 1,
            "Richtung": "Kiel",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 2.9,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 49.305683,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 125.18,
            "Maximalpegel": 98.63289,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 97.25019,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536925,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:42:20.5703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 2,
            "Richtung": "Hamburg",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 0.0,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 0.0,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 0.0,
            "Maximalpegel": 0.0,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 0.0,
            "G\u00fcltig": "-"
            "id": 2536911,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:35:19.3703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 1,
            "Richtung": "Kiel",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 4.1,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 103.97647,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 132.2034,
            "Maximalpegel": 87.111984,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 85.6776,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536907,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:33:31.2703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 2,
            "Richtung": "Hamburg",
            "Category": "GZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "G\u00fcterzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 23.8,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 583.19586,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 95.63598,
            "Maximalpegel": 88.02967,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 85.02115,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536890,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:25:36.1703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 2,
            "Richtung": "Hamburg",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 3.5,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 104.63446,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 160.47487,
            "Maximalpegel": 88.60612,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 86.46721,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536882,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:22:05.8703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 2,
            "Richtung": "Hamburg",
            "Category": "GZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "G\u00fcterzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 26.6,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 653.52515,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 94.59859,
            "Maximalpegel": 91.9396,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 85.50632,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
            "id": 2536869,
            "Einfahrtzeit": "2021-04-24T20:16:24.3703+02:00",
            "Gleis": 1,
            "Richtung": "Kiel",
            "Category": "PZ",
            "Zugkategorie": "Personenzug",
            "Vorbeifahrtdauer": 3.3,
            "Zugl\u00e4nge": 87.8222,
            "Geschwindigkeit": 160.01207,
            "Maximalpegel": 91.3928,
            "Vorbeifahrtpegel": 89.54336,
            "G\u00fcltig": "OK"
    "Total": 8657,
    "AggregateResults": null,
    "Errors": null
like image 52
Andrej Kesely Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Andrej Kesely

With a simple GET request you can retrieve the HTML of the landing page.

import requests

response = requests.get('https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/')  # even without query-parameters: ?mp=3/
print( response.content )

Analyze the dynamic requests (browser)

This can also be done in any browser. In the source view (in Win/Linux: CRTL + U or in Mac: CMD + U) you will find the token needed for all subsequent requests against the REST API: __RequestVerificationToken.

It's inside a hidden <input> form-field one this page:

<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="CfDJ8B_eKmsiQC9Esc7ZjyC063dp6MzAtP3Sawnrfz3SCqxOMoPCYMV4sjDbrhDbuOsPcLnOiElgqQWTdMxCgfmhNVx1eC6oR81kZT3os2z3DJxtu6H9V7fKt9z9bdSJwB1ACYSSYWHsmPzt-AMWvSk4eYU" />

When the page loads in your browser this token will be used to load the data dynamically (as you already assumed) via JavaScript XMLHttpRequests (XHR).

To view these XHR requests open the Network tab of your browser's developer tools window (shortcut F12):

  • Chrome: Inspect network activity
  • Firefox: Network Monitor

browsers dev-tools network tab shows 2 XHR requests

Both requests are fetching the measured data as JSON. For security reasons the called web API requires a token which is sent using a POST request. It's submitted in the body as x-www-form-urlencoded along with the pagination parameters.

See following example from the command-line via cURL:

curl -vi 'https://www.laerm-monitoring.de/zug/train_read' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' --data-raw 'sort=Einfahrtzeitdesc&page=1&pageSize=10&group=&filter=&__RequestVerificationToken=CfDJ8...

(token was shortened for illustration purpose)

Hint: in the browser's Network tab you can usually right-click on the request to copy as CURL command.

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hc_dev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


I have used Selenium to do something similar with python. Not sure if that works for your. Basically open the website and right click on table and do inspect element. After that Go over to the div that the table belongs to and right-click to copy full xpath. After you found the xpath, you can scrape it using selenium. See this answer .

The only problem is that Selenium actually opens the browser and doesn't run in background. I think you can do it silently, but I have never done it.

Another thing is that websites can block you if repeated automated requests come from a single IP. You can use tor to make request from a new IP every time you make a request. I have done something like that with twitter here.

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Aditya Singh Rathore Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Aditya Singh Rathore