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Scoping and evaluating functions in R




Given the following function

f <- function(x) {
    g <- function(y) {
            y + z
    z <- 4
    x + g(x)

If one runs the following code in R why is the answer 10? I'm a little confused about how y plays into this question.

z <- 10
like image 570
nzhanggh Avatar asked Mar 12 '20 22:03


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The scoping rules of the language define how value is assigned to free variables. R uses lexical scoping, which says the value for z is searched for in the environment where the function was defined. Note: Lexical scoping is also referred to as statical scoping.

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1 Answers

R uses lexical scoping which means that if an object is referenced but not defined in a function then it is looked for in the environment in which the function is defined, not the environment from which it was called.

z is referenced in g but is not defined in g so it looks to the environment in which g is defined and that is the environment within f so g uses z = 4.

Actually in this case the environment that g is defined in is the same as the environment from which g is called so any way you look at it z = 4 must be used. If functions defaulted to the global environment to look for objects not defined in the function then it would use z = 10 but that is not how R works.

Making it work differently

If for some reason you wanted to force g to look for z in the environment in which f is called then you could do this (where parent.frame() refers to the environment from which f is called).

f2 <- function(x, envir = parent.frame()) {
    g <- function(y) {
            y + with(envir, z)
    z <- 4
    x + g(x)
 z <- 10
 ## [1] 16

or we could use y + envir$z except that that would only look in the parent frame and not in its ancestors whereas with will look in ancestors of the parent frame if not found in the parent frame.

An alternative is to change g's environment like this so that it looks into envir for objects not found in g:

f3 <- function(x, envir = parent.frame()) {
    g <- function(y) {
            y + z
    environment(g) <- envir
    z <- 4
    x + g(x)
 z <- 10
 ## [1] 16
like image 120
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 03:10

G. Grothendieck