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Scikit Learn SVC decision_function and predict

I'm trying to understand the relationship between decision_function and predict, which are instance methods of SVC (http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.svm.SVC.html). So far I've gathered that decision function returns pairwise scores between classes. I was under the impression that predict chooses the class that maximizes its pairwise score, but I tested this out and got different results. Here's the code I was using to try and understand the relationship between the two. First I generated the pairwise score matrix, and then I printed out the class that has maximal pairwise score which was different than the class predicted by clf.predict.

        result = clf.decision_function(vector)[0]         counter = 0         num_classes = len(clf.classes_)         pairwise_scores = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes))         for r in xrange(num_classes):             for j in xrange(r + 1, num_classes):                 pairwise_scores[r][j] = result[counter]                 pairwise_scores[j][r] = -result[counter]                 counter += 1          index = np.argmax(pairwise_scores)         class = index_star / num_classes         print class         print clf.predict(vector)[0] 

Does anyone know the relationship between these predict and decision_function?

like image 243
Peter Tseng Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 05:11

Peter Tseng

People also ask

What is SVC in Sklearn?

SVC. It is C-support vector classification whose implementation is based on libsvm. The module used by scikit-learn is sklearn. svm. SVC.

What is the difference between SVC and SVM?

The limitation of SVC is compensated by SVM non-linearly. And that's the difference between SVM and SVC. If the hyperplane classifies the dataset linearly then the algorithm we call it as SVC and the algorithm that separates the dataset by non-linear approach then we call it as SVM.

What is SVC algorithm?

SVC is a nonparametric clustering algorithm that does not make any assumption on the number or shape of the clusters in the data. In our experience it works best for low-dimensional data, so if your data is high-dimensional, a preprocessing step, e.g. using principal component analysis, is usually required.

What is the decision function in Sklearn?

Decision function is a method present in classifier{ SVC, Logistic Regression } class of sklearn machine learning framework.

2 Answers

I don't fully understand your code, but let's go trough the example of the documentation page you referenced:

import numpy as np X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) from sklearn.svm import SVC clf = SVC() clf.fit(X, y)  

Now let's apply both the decision function and predict to the samples:

clf.decision_function(X) clf.predict(X) 

The output we get is:

array([[-1.00052254],        [-1.00006594],        [ 1.00029424],        [ 1.00029424]]) array([1, 1, 2, 2]) 

And that is easy to interpret: The desion function tells us on which side of the hyperplane generated by the classifier we are (and how far we are away from it). Based on that information, the estimator then label the examples with the corresponding label.

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Martin Böschen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Martin Böschen

For those interested, I'll post a quick example of the predict function translated from C++ (here) to python:

# I've only implemented the linear and rbf kernels def kernel(params, sv, X):     if params.kernel == 'linear':         return [np.dot(vi, X) for vi in sv]     elif params.kernel == 'rbf':         return [math.exp(-params.gamma * np.dot(vi - X, vi - X)) for vi in sv]  # This replicates clf.decision_function(X) def decision_function(params, sv, nv, a, b, X):     # calculate the kernels     k = kernel(params, sv, X)      # define the start and end index for support vectors for each class     start = [sum(nv[:i]) for i in range(len(nv))]     end = [start[i] + nv[i] for i in range(len(nv))]      # calculate: sum(a_p * k(x_p, x)) between every 2 classes     c = [ sum(a[ i ][p] * k[p] for p in range(start[j], end[j])) +           sum(a[j-1][p] * k[p] for p in range(start[i], end[i]))                 for i in range(len(nv)) for j in range(i+1,len(nv))]      # add the intercept     return [sum(x) for x in zip(c, b)]  # This replicates clf.predict(X) def predict(params, sv, nv, a, b, cs, X):     ''' params = model parameters         sv = support vectors         nv = # of support vectors per class         a  = dual coefficients         b  = intercepts          cs = list of class names         X  = feature to predict            '''     decision = decision_function(params, sv, nv, a, b, X)     votes = [(i if decision[p] > 0 else j) for p,(i,j) in enumerate((i,j)                                             for i in range(len(cs))                                            for j in range(i+1,len(cs)))]      return cs[max(set(votes), key=votes.count)] 

There are a lot of input arguments for predict and decision_function, but note that these are all used internally in by the model when calling predict(X). In fact, all of the arguments are accessible to you inside the model after fitting:

# Create model clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.)  # Fit model using features, X, and labels, Y. clf.fit(X, y)  # Get parameters from model params = clf.get_params() sv = clf.support_vectors nv = clf.n_support_ a  = clf.dual_coef_ b  = clf._intercept_ cs = clf.classes_  # Use the functions to predict print(predict(params, sv, nv, a, b, cs, X))  # Compare with the builtin predict print(clf.predict(X)) 
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bcorso Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
