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scikit-learn model persistence: pickle vs pmml vs ...?

I built an scikit-learn model and I want to reuse in a daily python cron job (NB: no other platforms are involved - no R, no Java &c).

I pickled it (actually, I pickled my own object whose one field is a GradientBoostingClassifier), and I un-pickle it in the cron job. So far so good (and has been discussed in Save classifier to disk in scikit-learn and Model persistence in Scikit-Learn?).

However, I upgraded sklearn and now I get these warnings:

UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator DecisionTreeRegressor from version 0.18.1 when using version 0.18.2. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator PriorProbabilityEstimator from version 0.18.1 when using version 0.18.2. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.
UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator GradientBoostingClassifier from version 0.18.1 when using version 0.18.2. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.

What do I do now?

  • I can downgrage to 0.18.1 and stick with it until I am ready to rebuild the model. For various reasons I find this unacceptable.

  • I can un-pickle the file and re-pickle it again. This worked with 0.18.2, but breaks with 0.19. NFG. joblib looks no better.

  • I wish I could save the data in a version-independent ASCII format (e.g., JSON or XML). This is, obviously, the optimal solution, but there seems to be NO way to do that (see also Sklearn - model persistence without pkl file).

  • I could save the model to PMML, but its support is lukewarm at best: I can use sklearn2pmml to save the model (although not easily), and augustus/lightpmmlpredictor to apply (although not load) the model. However, none of those is available to pip directly, which makes deployment a nightmare. Also, the augustus & lightpmmlpredictor projects seem to be dead. Importing PMML models into Python (Scikit-learn) - nope.

  • A variant of the above: save PMML using sklearn2pmml, and use openscoring for scoring. Requires interfacing with an external process. Yuk.


like image 249
sds Avatar asked Jul 12 '17 15:07


1 Answers

Model persistence across different versions of scikit-learn is generally impossible. The reason is obvious: you pickle Class1 with one definition, and want to unpickle it into Class2 with another definition.

You can:

  • Still try to stick to one version of sklearn.
  • Ignore the warnings and hope that what worked for Class1 will work also for Class2.
  • Write your own class that can serialize your GradientBoostingClassifier and restore it from this serialized form, and hope that it would work better than pickle.

I made an example of how you can convert a single DecisionTreeRegressor into a pure list-and-dict format, fully JSON-compatible, and restore it back.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

### Code to serialize and deserialize trees

LEAF_ATTRIBUTES = ['children_left', 'children_right', 'threshold', 'value', 'feature', 'impurity', 'weighted_n_node_samples']
TREE_ATTRIBUTES = ['n_classes_', 'n_features_', 'n_outputs_']

def serialize_tree(tree):
    """ Convert a sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor into a json-compatible format """
    encoded = {
        'nodes': {},
        'tree': {},
        'n_leaves': len(tree.tree_.threshold),
        'params': tree.get_params()
    for attr in LEAF_ATTRIBUTES:
        encoded['nodes'][attr] = getattr(tree.tree_, attr).tolist()
    for attr in TREE_ATTRIBUTES:
        encoded['tree'][attr] = getattr(tree, attr)
    return encoded

def deserialize_tree(encoded):
    """ Restore a sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor from a json-compatible format """
    x = np.arange(encoded['n_leaves'])
    tree = DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(x.reshape((-1,1)), x)
    for attr in LEAF_ATTRIBUTES:
        for i in range(encoded['n_leaves']):
            getattr(tree.tree_, attr)[i] = encoded['nodes'][attr][i]
    for attr in TREE_ATTRIBUTES:
        setattr(tree, attr, encoded['tree'][attr])
    return tree

## test the code

X, y = make_classification(n_classes=3, n_informative=10)
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(X, y)
encoded = serialize_tree(tree)
decoded = deserialize_tree(encoded)
assert (decoded.predict(X)==tree.predict(X)).all()

Having this, you can go on to serialize and deserialize the whole GradientBoostingClassifier:

from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble.gradient_boosting import PriorProbabilityEstimator

def serialize_gbc(clf):
    encoded = {
        'classes_': clf.classes_.tolist(),
        'max_features_': clf.max_features_, 
        'n_classes_': clf.n_classes_,
        'n_features_': clf.n_features_,
        'train_score_': clf.train_score_.tolist(),
        'params': clf.get_params(),
        'estimators_shape': list(clf.estimators_.shape),
        'estimators': [],
    for tree in clf.estimators_.reshape((-1,)):
    return encoded

def deserialize_gbc(encoded):
    x = np.array(encoded['classes_'])
    clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(**encoded['params']).fit(x.reshape(-1, 1), x)
    trees = [deserialize_tree(tree) for tree in encoded['estimators']]
    clf.estimators_ = np.array(trees).reshape(encoded['estimators_shape'])
    clf.init_ = PriorProbabilityEstimator()
    clf.init_.priors = np.array(encoded['priors'])
    clf.classes_ = np.array(encoded['classes_'])
    clf.train_score_ = np.array(encoded['train_score_'])
    clf.max_features_ = encoded['max_features_']
    clf.n_classes_ = encoded['n_classes_']
    clf.n_features_ = encoded['n_features_']
    return clf

# test on the same problem
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier()
clf.fit(X, y);
encoded = serialize_gbc(clf)
decoded = deserialize_gbc(encoded)
assert (decoded.predict(X) == clf.predict(X)).all()

This works for scikit-learn v0.19, but don't ask me what will come in the next versions to break this code. I'm neither a prophet nor a developer of sklearn.

If you want to be fully independent of new versions of sklearn, the safest thing is to write a function that traverses a serialized tree and makes the prediction, instead of re-creating an sklearn tree.

like image 80
David Dale Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

David Dale