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Grouping Pandas DataFrame by n days starting in the begining of the day




I have just discovered the power of Pandas and I love it, but I can't figure out this problem:

I have a DataFrame df.head():

   lon   lat  h  filename                  time
0  19.961216  80.617627    -0.077165     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.717467
1  19.923916  80.614847    -0.018689     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.831467
2  19.849396  80.609257    -0.089205     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.059467
3  19.830776  80.607857     0.076485     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.116467
4  19.570708  80.588183     0.162943     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.888467

I would like to group my data into nine day intervals

gb = df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(key='time', freq='9D'))

The first group:

2002-05-15 12:59:31.717467       lon   lat  h filename                  time
0    19.961216  80.617627    -0.077165     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.717467
1    19.923916  80.614847    -0.018689     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.831467
2    19.849396  80.609257    -0.089205     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.059467
3    19.830776  80.607857     0.076485     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.116467

Next group:

2002-05-24 12:59:31.717467        lon   lat  height  filename                  time
815   18.309498  80.457024     0.187387     60309 2002-05-24 16:35:39.553563
816   18.291458  80.458514     0.061446     60309 2002-05-24 16:35:39.610563
817   18.273408  80.460014     0.129255     60309 2002-05-24 16:35:39.667563
818   18.255358  80.461504     0.046761     60309 2002-05-24 16:35:39.724563

So the data are grouped in nine days counting from the first time ( 12:59:31.717467), and not from the beginning of the day as I would like.

When grouping by one day:

gb = df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(key='time', freq='D'))

gives me:

2002-05-15 00:00:00       lon   lat  h  filename                  time
0    19.961216  80.617627    -0.077165     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.717467
1    19.923916  80.614847    -0.018689     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.831467
2    19.849396  80.609257    -0.089205     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.059467
3    19.830776  80.607857     0.076485     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.116467

I can just loop over the days until I get a nine day interval, but I think it could be done smarter, I am looking for a Grouper freq option equivalent to YS (start of year) just for days, a way of setting the start time (maybe by the Grouper option convention : {‘start’, ‘end’, ‘e’, ‘s’}), or???

I am running Python 3.5.2 and Pandas is in version: 0.19.0

like image 255
user1643523 Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 14:11


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In Python, the Pandas head() method is used to retrieve the first N number of rows of data from Pandas DataFrame. This function always returns all rows except the last n rows.

How do you rearrange the order of a data frame?

You need to create a new list of your columns in the desired order, then use df = df[cols] to rearrange the columns in this new order.

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Use pandas. DataFrame. head(n) to get the first n rows of the DataFrame. It takes one optional argument n (number of rows you want to get from the start).

1 Answers

Dropping first time row:

Your best bet would be to normalize the first row of the datetime column so that the time is reset to 00:00:00(midnight) and group according to the 9D interval:

df.loc[0, 'time'] = df['time'].iloc[0].normalize()
for _, grp in df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(key='time', freq='9D')):
    print (grp)

#          lon        lat         h  filename                       time
# 0  19.961216  80.617627 -0.077165     60048 2002-05-15 00:00:00.000000
# 1  19.923916  80.614847 -0.018689     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:31.831467
# 2  19.849396  80.609257 -0.089205     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.059467
# 3  19.830776  80.607857  0.076485     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.116467
# 4  19.570708  80.588183  0.162943     60048 2002-05-15 12:59:32.888467
# ......................................................................

This restores the time in the other rows and so you wouldn't lose that information.

Keeping first time row:

If you want to keep the first time row as it is and not make any changes to it, but only want to start grouping from midnight onwards, you could do:

df_t_shift = df.shift()    # Shift one level down
df_t_shift.loc[0, 'time'] = df_t_shift['time'].iloc[1].normalize()
# Concat last row of df with the shifted one to account for the loss of row
df_t_shift = df_t_shift.append(df.iloc[-1], ignore_index=True)  

for _, grp in df_t_shift.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(key='time', freq='9D')):
    print (grp)

#          lon        lat         h  filename                       time
# 0        NaN        NaN       NaN       NaN 2002-05-15 00:00:00.000000
# 1  19.961216  80.617627 -0.077165   60048.0 2002-05-15 12:59:31.717467
# 2  19.923916  80.614847 -0.018689   60048.0 2002-05-15 12:59:31.831467
# 3  19.849396  80.609257 -0.089205   60048.0 2002-05-15 12:59:32.059467
# 4  19.830776  80.607857  0.076485   60048.0 2002-05-15 12:59:32.116467
# 5  19.570708  80.588183  0.162943   60048.0 2002-05-15 12:59:32.888467
like image 112
Nickil Maveli Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11

Nickil Maveli