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Scientific Programming Stack for Clojure

I currently use Python for most of my programming, but I'm interested in learning Clojure. What libraries do I need to reproduce the functionality I have with scipy, numpy, and matplotlib? Is there anything like the Enthought distribution?

like image 998
2daaa Avatar asked Aug 22 '10 02:08


2 Answers

Start with Incanter: http://incanter.org/

Then look at Java scientific libraries.

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Stuart Sierra Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Stuart Sierra

I'll second Stuart's answer - Incanter is great.

As of 2013, it's also worth looking at core.matrix, which provides a high performance NumPy/SciPy API for matrix/vector maths to Clojure. The medium term plan is to get Incanter and core.matrix working together seamlessly.

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mikera Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
