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Scaling SVG (Raphael.js) like an SWF


I started using Raphael.js a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the "paper" or svg/vml tag to fill the browser window like an swf. See this example.

Note the way the above example resizes with the browser window

I was able to get the "paper" to resize with the browser window, but no luck getting all the vector graphics to adjust their size. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


I tried a bunch of different routes with this. viewBox worked great but its SVG only. I just figured out how to do it using Raphael sets and a little code on the window.onresize event. I'll post my findings later tonight or tomorrow. I'd still really like to see other solutions to the question if there are any.

like image 455
Zevan Avatar asked Dec 01 '10 09:12


1 Answers

It took me awhile but I finally came up with a solution to this problem. I've wrapped the solution in a small js file that can be used with Raphael. You can get the js file along with some simple documentation here. See it in action.

How it works:

  1. use viewBox for svg
  2. wrap all vml nodes in a group node
  3. wrap the Raphael constructor up so that the vml group node is passed to the Raphael constructor
  4. alter a few css properties when the paper is resized to deal with centering, clipping and maintaining the correct aspect ratio.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

like image 85
Zevan Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11
