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How to subtract an array from an array?


When I try the following


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @bl = qw(red green blue);
my @a = qw(green yellow purple blue pink);

print Dumper [grep {not @bl} @a];

I get an empty array. I would have expected that @bl was subtracted from @a, so the output was yellow purple pink.

What's wrong here?

like image 882
Sandra Schlichting Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 21:02

Sandra Schlichting

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If you are mentioning the subtraction of the elements that have the same indexes, you have to make sure that the array's size is equal. Then iterate through both arrays and subtract one to another using loop. The thing you want to achieve results in undefined behavior.

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2 Answers

You need to turn @bl into a hash to perform the set difference:

my %in_bl = map {$_ => 1} @bl;
my @diff  = grep {not $in_bl{$_}} @a;
like image 153
Eric Strom Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10

Eric Strom

See perlfaq4: How do I compute the difference of two arrays?

In your code, not is probably not doing what you think it is doing.

not @bl will always be 1 if @bl is an empty array, and undef if @bl is not empty. It doesn't mean "elements not in @bl" in any sense.

like image 31
mob Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10
