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Scaling complex SVG paths in WPF XAML




I have here a set of inordinately complex scalable vector graphic icons which were created using Illustrator, and imported into my WPF app using the Expression Blend and Inkscape hack:

Convert SVG to XAML

I tried various method of importing the original icons, this is above approach is the only way they would import correctly in my app.

So now I need to make my app work on a new smaller resolution, and even when in a ViewBox these icons will not scale.

If I remove the width/height attributes it ruins the SVG and the icon essentially disappears.

  <Style x:Key="BenefitsIconFlexBox" TargetType="{x:Type Viewbox}">
    <Setter Property="MaxHeight" Value="240"/>
    <Setter Property="Height" Value="201"/>
    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="10,0,0,10"/>


        <Viewbox Style="{StaticResource BenefitsIconFlexBox}">
            <Canvas Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Clip="F1 M 0,0L 213.333,0L 213.333,213.333L 0,213.333L 0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False">
                <Path Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="3.05176e-005" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFEDEDED" Data="F1 M 213.333,106.667C 213.333,165.579 165.579,213.333 106.667,213.333C 47.7547,213.333 0,165.579 0,106.667C 0,47.7547 47.7547,3.05176e-005 106.667,3.05176e-005C 165.579,3.05176e-005 213.333,47.7547 213.333,106.667 Z "/>
                <Canvas Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="46.828">
                    <Path Canvas.Left="17.276" Canvas.Top="0" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF424242" Data="F1 M 46.0787,0C 30.1827,0 17.276,13.0107 17.276,28.7973L 17.276,40.3173L 28.7973,40.3173L 28.7973,28.7973C 28.7973,19.308 36.584,11.5213 46.0787,11.5213C 55.5733,11.5213 63.36,19.308 63.36,28.7973L 63.36,40.3173L 74.8813,40.3173L 74.8813,28.7973C 74.8813,13.0107 61.9747,0 46.0787,0 Z "/>
                <Path Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="87.1454" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFB8C00" Data="F1 M 141.229,162.136L 72.104,162.136C 65.812,162.136 60.588,156.907 60.588,150.615L 60.588,98.6667C 60.588,92.3747 65.812,87.1454 72.104,87.1454L 141.333,87.1454C 147.625,87.1454 152.855,92.3747 152.855,98.6667L 152.855,150.505C 152.745,156.907 147.625,162.136 141.229,162.136 Z "/>
                <Path Canvas.Left="98.0267" Canvas.Top="116.052" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFC76E00" Data="F1 M 115.307,124.693C 115.307,129.495 111.469,133.333 106.667,133.333C 101.864,133.333 98.0267,129.495 98.0267,124.693C 98.0267,119.896 101.864,116.052 106.667,116.052C 111.469,116.052 115.307,119.896 115.307,124.693 Z "/>

I am open to using transforms or some c# logic to do the resolution math and scaling, but would prefer to use scaling with the view box.

I am not sure why the SVG goes gonzo when the dimensional data is removed, but surely this is the problem. I feel like if I can get rid of the height and width attributes this would scale.

Any suggestions are welcomed! Thank you.

like image 677
Shawn J. Molloy Avatar asked Apr 07 '16 17:04

Shawn J. Molloy

People also ask

How do I resize a path in WPF?

In WPF, you can create a resizable shape by using the Path control. Simply set up your shape's path data and then set the Stretch property to Fill and your shape will resize itself to fit the space available. It even takes into account the stroke thickness.

Can you use SVG in WPF?

Supported SVG ElementsThe WPF SVG render engine supports the following SVG elements: Path - <path>

Which library provides the classes used to implement basic XAML shapes?

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides support for drawing basic shapes using the Shape class. Shape objects derive from FrameworkElement and as such, participate in the layout system and can be drawn simply using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).

How do you draw a line in WPF?

To draw a line, create a Line element. Use its X1 and Y1 properties to set its start point; and use its X2 and Y2 properties to set its end point. Finally, set its Stroke and StrokeThickness because a line without a stroke is invisible. Setting the Fill element for a line has no effect, because a line has no interior.

1 Answers

ViewBox has no concern of it's children's preset sizing attributes. Those are only used as the base but ViewBox is what does the scaling accordingly. So if I say remove the Height/MaxHeight setter's from your associated style template and do the following, notice each ViewBox has a different Height. You could also make a style of the whole thing and avoid the repetitive code but for the sake of a quickie dirty concept example;

enter image description here


    <Viewbox Height="20" Margin="5">
        <Canvas Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Clip="F1 M 0,0L 213.333,0L 213.333,213.333L 0,213.333L 0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False">
            <Canvas Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0">
                <Path Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="3.05176e-005" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFEDEDED" Data="F1 M 213.333,106.667C 213.333,165.579 165.579,213.333 106.667,213.333C 47.7547,213.333 0,165.579 0,106.667C 0,47.7547 47.7547,3.05176e-005 106.667,3.05176e-005C 165.579,3.05176e-005 213.333,47.7547 213.333,106.667 Z "/>
                <Canvas Width="92.2653" Height="115.307" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="46.828">
                    <Path Width="57.6053" Height="40.3173" Canvas.Left="17.276" Canvas.Top="0" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF424242" Data="F1 M 46.0787,0C 30.1827,0 17.276,13.0107 17.276,28.7973L 17.276,40.3173L 28.7973,40.3173L 28.7973,28.7973C 28.7973,19.308 36.584,11.5213 46.0787,11.5213C 55.5733,11.5213 63.36,19.308 63.36,28.7973L 63.36,40.3173L 74.8813,40.3173L 74.8813,28.7973C 74.8813,13.0107 61.9747,0 46.0787,0 Z "/>
                <Path Width="92.2667" Height="74.9907" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="87.1454" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFB8C00" Data="F1 M 141.229,162.136L 72.104,162.136C 65.812,162.136 60.588,156.907 60.588,150.615L 60.588,98.6667C 60.588,92.3747 65.812,87.1454 72.104,87.1454L 141.333,87.1454C 147.625,87.1454 152.855,92.3747 152.855,98.6667L 152.855,150.505C 152.745,156.907 147.625,162.136 141.229,162.136 Z "/>
                <Path Width="17.28" Height="17.2813" Canvas.Left="98.0267" Canvas.Top="116.052" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFC76E00" Data="F1 M 115.307,124.693C 115.307,129.495 111.469,133.333 106.667,133.333C 101.864,133.333 98.0267,129.495 98.0267,124.693C 98.0267,119.896 101.864,116.052 106.667,116.052C 111.469,116.052 115.307,119.896 115.307,124.693 Z "/>

    <Viewbox Height="50" Margin="5">
        <Canvas Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Clip="F1 M 0,0L 213.333,0L 213.333,213.333L 0,213.333L 0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False">
            <Canvas Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0">
                <Path Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="3.05176e-005" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFEDEDED" Data="F1 M 213.333,106.667C 213.333,165.579 165.579,213.333 106.667,213.333C 47.7547,213.333 0,165.579 0,106.667C 0,47.7547 47.7547,3.05176e-005 106.667,3.05176e-005C 165.579,3.05176e-005 213.333,47.7547 213.333,106.667 Z "/>
                <Canvas Width="92.2653" Height="115.307" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="46.828">
                    <Path Width="57.6053" Height="40.3173" Canvas.Left="17.276" Canvas.Top="0" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF424242" Data="F1 M 46.0787,0C 30.1827,0 17.276,13.0107 17.276,28.7973L 17.276,40.3173L 28.7973,40.3173L 28.7973,28.7973C 28.7973,19.308 36.584,11.5213 46.0787,11.5213C 55.5733,11.5213 63.36,19.308 63.36,28.7973L 63.36,40.3173L 74.8813,40.3173L 74.8813,28.7973C 74.8813,13.0107 61.9747,0 46.0787,0 Z "/>
                <Path Width="92.2667" Height="74.9907" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="87.1454" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFB8C00" Data="F1 M 141.229,162.136L 72.104,162.136C 65.812,162.136 60.588,156.907 60.588,150.615L 60.588,98.6667C 60.588,92.3747 65.812,87.1454 72.104,87.1454L 141.333,87.1454C 147.625,87.1454 152.855,92.3747 152.855,98.6667L 152.855,150.505C 152.745,156.907 147.625,162.136 141.229,162.136 Z "/>
                <Path Width="17.28" Height="17.2813" Canvas.Left="98.0267" Canvas.Top="116.052" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFC76E00" Data="F1 M 115.307,124.693C 115.307,129.495 111.469,133.333 106.667,133.333C 101.864,133.333 98.0267,129.495 98.0267,124.693C 98.0267,119.896 101.864,116.052 106.667,116.052C 111.469,116.052 115.307,119.896 115.307,124.693 Z "/>

    <Viewbox Height="100" Margin="5">
        <Canvas Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Clip="F1 M 0,0L 213.333,0L 213.333,213.333L 0,213.333L 0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False">
            <Canvas Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0">
                <Path Width="213.333" Height="213.333" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="3.05176e-005" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFEDEDED" Data="F1 M 213.333,106.667C 213.333,165.579 165.579,213.333 106.667,213.333C 47.7547,213.333 0,165.579 0,106.667C 0,47.7547 47.7547,3.05176e-005 106.667,3.05176e-005C 165.579,3.05176e-005 213.333,47.7547 213.333,106.667 Z "/>
                <Canvas Width="92.2653" Height="115.307" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="46.828">
                    <Path Width="57.6053" Height="40.3173" Canvas.Left="17.276" Canvas.Top="0" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF424242" Data="F1 M 46.0787,0C 30.1827,0 17.276,13.0107 17.276,28.7973L 17.276,40.3173L 28.7973,40.3173L 28.7973,28.7973C 28.7973,19.308 36.584,11.5213 46.0787,11.5213C 55.5733,11.5213 63.36,19.308 63.36,28.7973L 63.36,40.3173L 74.8813,40.3173L 74.8813,28.7973C 74.8813,13.0107 61.9747,0 46.0787,0 Z "/>
                <Path Width="92.2667" Height="74.9907" Canvas.Left="60.588" Canvas.Top="87.1454" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFB8C00" Data="F1 M 141.229,162.136L 72.104,162.136C 65.812,162.136 60.588,156.907 60.588,150.615L 60.588,98.6667C 60.588,92.3747 65.812,87.1454 72.104,87.1454L 141.333,87.1454C 147.625,87.1454 152.855,92.3747 152.855,98.6667L 152.855,150.505C 152.745,156.907 147.625,162.136 141.229,162.136 Z "/>
                <Path Width="17.28" Height="17.2813" Canvas.Left="98.0267" Canvas.Top="116.052" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFC76E00" Data="F1 M 115.307,124.693C 115.307,129.495 111.469,133.333 106.667,133.333C 101.864,133.333 98.0267,129.495 98.0267,124.693C 98.0267,119.896 101.864,116.052 106.667,116.052C 111.469,116.052 115.307,119.896 115.307,124.693 Z "/>


Now say you have that ViewBox placed in say a Grid cell with * sizing on the column/row and you DON'T set a Height/Width value on the ViewBox. Then it will fill whatever space is allowed to it. As the viewing medium (large screen, medium screen, little screen, doesn't matter) changes, it will size itself accordingly using the measurements of it's parent as it's boundary.

like image 187
Chris W. Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Chris W.