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Scala: var List vs val MutableList

In Odersky et al's Scala book, they say use lists. I haven't read the book cover to cover but all the examples seem to use val List. As I understand it one also is encouraged to use vals over vars. But in most applications is there not a trade off between using a var List or a val MutableList?. Obviously we use a val List when we can. But is it good practice to be using a lot of var Lists (or var Vectors etc)?

I'm pretty new to Scala coming from C#. There I had a lot of:

public List<T> myList {get; private set;}

collections which could easily have been declared as vals if C# had immutability built in, because the collection itself never changed after construction, even though elements would be added and subtracted from the collection in its life time. So declaring a var collection almost feels like a step away from immutability.

In response to answers and comments, one of the strong selling points of Scala is: that it can have many benefits without having to completely change the way one writes code as is the case with say Lisp or Haskell.

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Rich Oliver Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 14:06

Rich Oliver

People also ask

What is the difference between Val and VAR in Scala?

The difference between val and var is that val makes a variable immutable — like final in Java — and var makes a variable mutable.

Which one is better to use Val MutableList or VAR Immutablelist in the context of Kotlin?

I would recommend using var list:List, always. it prevents confusion in code, and it's always clear whether you are updating your list or not. I would use val list:MutableList only if logic is simple, or list gets updated frequently.

What is Val and VAR in spark?

Val refers to immutable declaration of a variable whereas var refers to mutable declaration of a variable in Scala.

2 Answers

Is it good practice to be using a lot of var Lists (or var Vectors etc)?

I would say it's better practice to use var with immutable collections than it is to use val with mutable ones. Off the top of my head, because

  • You have more guarantees about behaviour: if your object has a mutable list, you never know if some other external object is going to update it

  • You limit the extent of mutability; methods returning a collection will yield an immutable one, so you only have mutablility within your one object

  • It's easy to immutabilize a var by simply assigning it to a val, whereas to make a mutable collection immutable you have to use a different collection type and rebuild it

In some circumstances, such as time-dependent applications with extensive I/O, the simplest solution is to use mutable state. And in some circumstances, a mutable solution is just more elegant. However in most code you don't need mutability at all. The key is to use collections with higher order functions instead of looping, or recursion if a suitable function doesn't exist. This is simpler than it sounds. You just need to spend some time getting to know the methods on List (and other collections, which are mostly the same). The most important ones are:

map: applies your supplied function to each element in the collection - use instead of looping and updating values in an array

foldLeft: returns a single result from a collection - use instead of looping and updating an accumulator variable

for-yield expressions: simplify your mapping and filtering especially for nested-loop type problems

Ultimately, much of functional programming is a consequence of immutability and you can't really have one without the other; however, local vars are mostly an implementation detail: there's nothing wrong with a bit of mutability so long as it cannot escape from the local scope. So use vars with immutable collections since the local vars are not what will be exported.

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Luigi Plinge Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Luigi Plinge

You are assuming either the List must be mutable, or whatever is pointing to it must be mutable. In other words, that you need to pick one of the two choices below:

val list: collection.mutable.LinkedList[T]
var list: List[T]

That is a false dichotomy. You can have both:

val list: List[T]

So, the question you ought to be asking is how do I do that?, but we can only answer that when you try it out and face a specific problem. There's no generic answer that will solve all your problems (well, there is -- monads and recursion -- but that's too generic).

So... give it a try. You might be interested in looking at Code Review, where most Scala questions pertain precisely how to make some code more functional. But, ultimately, I think the best way to go about it is to try, and resort to Stack Overflow when you just can't figure out some specific problem.

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Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Daniel C. Sobral