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Scala with VScode

I started to use vscode for python development. And I really like it, does anyone know how to extend VScode so I can write scala in it as well ?

At the bare minimum I need to get syntax highlighting working.

like image 771
Steve Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 09:04


People also ask

Can you use VS Code for Scala?

Scala works well in VS Code 2019. There's official syntax highlighting, and a Language Server called Metals (which replaces Ensime which is mentioned in other answers).

How do I create a Scala code in Visual Studio?

To get started, install the Scala (Metals) extension on the VS Code Marketplace and open an sbt project directory. The Metals extension will prompt you to import the build. The build import step can take a while to run and once complete, you can enjoy the features of Metals.

1 Answers

Scala works well in VS Code 2019.

There's official syntax highlighting, and a Language Server called Metals (which replaces Ensime which is mentioned in other answers).

like image 160
Jethro Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
