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Scala Mutable Option?

I want something like this:

private val cachedResponse = mutable.Option.empty[A]

def get: A = cachedResponse getOrElseUpdate db.findModel()

def update: Unit = {
  cachedResponse.empty()    // set it to None/Option.empty

I am not looking for a generic HashMap based memoization like this. I tried implementing it using a var Option[A] but it did not look very idiomatic to me:

private var cachedResponse: Option[A] = None

def get: A = cachedResponse getOrElse {
 cachedResponse = Option(db.findModel())

def update: Unit = {
  cachedResponse = None
like image 418
pathikrit Avatar asked Oct 20 '14 21:10


1 Answers

There isn't one built into the standard library.

Using a var containing an immutable Option is the idiomatic way to do it (assuming you can't rewrite this to not use state at all).

Otherwise, you should build your own. Here's the core of an implementation:

class MutableOpt[A] {
  private[this] var myValue: A = _
  private[this] var loaded = false
  private def valueEquals(o: Any) = myValue == o
  def get = if (loaded) myValue else throw new NoSuchElementException("MutableOpt")
  def set(a: A): this.type = { loaded = true; myValue = a; this }
  def getOrSet(a: => A): A = {
    if (!loaded) {
      myValue = a
      loaded = true
  def isEmpty = !loaded
  def nonEmpty = loaded
  def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = if (loaded) f(myValue)
  def transform(f: A => A): this.type = { if (loaded) myValue = f(myValue); this }
  def clear(): this.type = { loaded = false; this }
  def toOption = if (loaded) Some(myValue) else None
  override def toString = if (loaded) "MutableOpt("+myValue.toString+")" else "MutableOpt()"
  override def hashCode = if (loaded) myValue.hashCode else 1751
  override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case m: MutableOpt[_] =>
      (isEmpty && m.isEmpty) || (nonEmpty && m.nonEmpty && m.valueEquals(myValue))
    case _ => false
object MutableOpt {
  def from[A](o: Option[A]) = {
    val m = new MutableOpt[A]
    o match {
      case Some(a) => m set a
      case _ =>

Define together with :paste if using the REPL.

like image 75
Rex Kerr Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

Rex Kerr