This question is about the way that Scala does pattern matching and recursion with lists and the performance thereof.
If I have a function that recurses over a list and I do it with matching on a cons, for example something like:
def myFunction(xs) = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => «something» myFunction(xs)
In Haskell:
myFunction [] = []
myFunction (x:xs) = «something» : myFunction xs
I'm using the same semantics as I would do with, for example, Haskell. I don't think there would be any question about the Haskell implementation as that's simply the way that you deal with lists. For a long list (I would be operating on a list with a few thousand nodes), Haskell wouldn't blink (I imagine though; I've never tried).
But from what I understand with Scala, the match statement would call the unapply extractor method to split the list around the cons and, to extend the example to a function that does nothing to the list:
def myFunction(xs) = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => x :: myFunction(xs)
In Haskell:
myFunction [] = []
myFunction (x:xs) = x : myFunction xs
it would call apply extractor method to cons it back together. For a long list I imagine this would be very expensive.
To illustrate, in my specific case I want to recurse over a list of characters and accumulate various things, where the input string is anything up to a few tens of kilobytes.
Will I really be calling constructors and extractors for each step of the recursion if I want to recurse over a long list? Or are there optimisations? Or better ways to do it? In this case I would need several accumulator variables and obviously I wouldn't just be recursing over a list doing nothing...
(Please excuse my Haskell, I've not written a line for two years.)
(And yes, I'm going for tail recursion.)
First, Haskell is non-strict, so these function calls on the tail might never be evaluated at all. Scala, on the other hand, will compute all of the list before returning. A closer implementation to what happens in Haskell would be this:
def myFunction[T](l: List[T]): Stream[T] = l match {
case Nil => Stream.empty
case x :: xs => x #:: myFunction(xs)
That receives a List
, which is strict, and returns a Stream
which is non-strict.
Now, if you want to avoid pattern matching and extractors (though none is called in this particular case -- see below), you might just do this:
def myFunction[T](xs: List[T]): Stream[T] =
if (xs.isEmpty) Stream.empty else xs.head #:: myFunction(xs.tail)
I just realized you intend to go for tail recursion. What you wrote is not tail-recursive, because you prepend x
to the result of the recursion. When handling lists, you'll get tail recursion if you compute the results backwards and then invert:
def myFunction[T](xs: List[T]): List[T] = {
def recursion(input: List[T], output: List[T]): List[T] = input match {
case x :: xs => recursion(xs, x :: output)
case Nil => output
recursion(xs, Nil).reverse
Last, let's decompile an example to see how it works:
class ListExample {
def test(o: Any): Any = o match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => xs
case _ => null
public class ListExample extends java.lang.Object implements scala.ScalaObject{
public ListExample();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #10; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
public java.lang.Object test(java.lang.Object);
0: aload_1
1: astore_2
2: getstatic #18; //Field scala/Nil$.MODULE$:Lscala/Nil$;
5: aload_2
6: invokestatic #24; //Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
9: ifeq 18
12: getstatic #18; //Field scala/Nil$.MODULE$:Lscala/Nil$;
15: goto 38
18: aload_2
19: instanceof #26; //class scala/$colon$colon
22: ifeq 35
25: aload_2
26: checkcast #26; //class scala/$colon$colon
29: invokevirtual #30; //Method scala/$colon$$1:()Lscala/List;
32: goto 38
35: aconst_null
36: pop
37: aconst_null
38: areturn
public int $tag() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
0: aload_0
1: invokestatic #42; //Method scala/ScalaObject$class.$tag:(Lscala/ScalaObject;)I
4: ireturn
Decoding, it first calls the method equals
on the passed parameter and the object Nil
. Returns the latter if true. Otherwise, it calls instanceOf[::]
on the object. If true, it casts the object to that, and invokes the method tl
on it. Failing all that, loads the cosntant null
and returns it.
So, you see, x :: xs
is not calling any extractor.
As for accumulating, there's another pattern you might want to consider:
val list = List.fill(100)(scala.util.Random.nextInt)
case class Accumulator(negative: Int = 0, zero: Int = 0, positive: Int = 0)
val accumulator = list.foldLeft(Accumulator())( (acc, n) =>
n match {
case neg if neg < 0 => acc.copy(negative = acc.negative + 1)
case zero if zero == 0 => acc.copy(zero = + 1)
case pos if pos > 0 => acc.copy(positive = acc.positive + 1)
The default parameters and copy methods are a Scala 2.8 feature I used just to make the example simpler, but the point is using the foldLeft
method when you want to accumulate things over a list.
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