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Scala: How to combine two data frames?

First Df is:

ID Name ID2 Marks
1   12    1   333

Second Df2 is:

ID Name ID2 Marks
1         3   989
7   98    8   878

I need output is:

ID Name ID2 Marks
1   12    1   333
1         3   989
7   98    8   878

Kindly help!

like image 703
Ravikumar Reddy Yeruva Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 05:03

Ravikumar Reddy Yeruva

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1 Answers

Use union or unionAll function:


for example:

scala> val a = (1,"12",1,333)
a: (Int, String, Int, Int) = (1,12,1,333)

scala> val b = (1,"",3,989)
b: (Int, String, Int, Int) = (1,"",3,989)

scala> val c = (7,"98",8,878)
c: (Int, String, Int, Int) = (7,98,8,878)

scala> import spark.implicits._
import spark.implicits._

scala> val df1 = List(a).toDF("ID","Name","ID2","Marks")
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, Name: string ... 2 more fields]

scala> val df2 = List(b, c).toDF("ID","Name","ID2","Marks")
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, Name: string ... 2 more fields]

scala> df1.show
| ID|Name|ID2|Marks|
|  1|  12|  1|  333|

scala> df2.show
| ID|Name|ID2|Marks|
|  1|    |  3|  989|
|  7|  98|  8|  878|

scala> df1.union(df2).show
| ID|Name|ID2|Marks|
|  1|  12|  1|  333|
|  1|    |  3|  989|
|  7|  98|  8|  878|
like image 125
Pavithran Ramachandran Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Pavithran Ramachandran